Hell yeah I had a really poor memory and was always exhausted. I had to nap every day. Now with the CPAP I get 8 hours of sleep and I can remember things that happened weeks ago
Hell yeah I had a really poor memory and was always exhausted. I had to nap every day. Now with the CPAP I get 8 hours of sleep and I can remember things that happened weeks ago
Because they’re full of shit
This does not always stand true. Try contacting Shudder for help with your account. Dumbest fucking non email reading fucks I’ve ever dealt with
Wow I forgot all about screwballs! Those used to be my favorite as a kid I wonder if I can still get them
You can avoid the transactions, but they really lure the kids in. I have to constantly tell my kid I’m not paying for that crap it’s exhausting
Subs if you want a server or mods of any kind on bedrock edition which is the only cross platform. Java is still good
iPads are solid devices. They’re expensive yeah but at least it’s not a fucking Windows tablet. And if you need something just downright idiot proof Apple has got your back.
I can’t even tell what it’s supposed to be
Orion is my favorite
Where did the pickle come from?
This is very true. I play less than I used to but I’m still in a very active clan and I still drop money occasionally hun pretty things from the store or DLC items
Boxed mac and cheese with tuna is good
It’s not even BSG 😭
It definitely does for younger kids. Mine has to earn AR points for taking small tests in the books he reads. If as a whole the class earns enough it’s a pizza party
No it’s obviously no replacement for proper legislation. However in the meantime it is a step you can take in the right direction as an individual. When Wendy’s started throwing around this bullshit I stopped going. Do they care? No probably not. But I know I’m trying
Kirby nightmare in Dreamland
Yo now I’m just combing this guy’s catalog. Thanks
There’s was a whole episode of Evil about this.
I was 27. With the CPAP I’m down to less than one. It’s amazing