Not having seen what you posted, and assuming there’s not purposeful censorship involved, I can only offer this bit of advice.
How you say a thing matters as much as what thing you are saying.
All posts/comments by me are licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Not having seen what you posted, and assuming there’s not purposeful censorship involved, I can only offer this bit of advice.
How you say a thing matters as much as what thing you are saying.
This was a good read, thank you for doing this!
As far as the shutdown of the Epic game Dauntless, was any reason given for the shutdown?
I mean, its just a ctrl+c and a ctrl+v. 🙂
It looks like the Eternity client doesn’t support subscript?
Don’t know what to say, my account is on Lemmy.World, and that’s their instructions on how to format one’s comments. /shrug
In the past (tenish months ago) I heard this same issue, and I tried removing the subscripting, which made the footer text the same size of the rest of the text, and then I was getting people complaining about my footer text being too large for a footer. My hope was that ten months later, all clients would support subscript fonts/text.
Honestly, at this point I’d suggest you talk to the devs of your client, to support subscript font/text.
Nah, I think it’s neat as well. Lemmy would be more boring if no user had idiosyncrasies.
Kind of a sad state of affairs for us all, that wanting to license your own content would be considered an idiosyncrasy, but I get what you were trying to say. 🙂
Hell, I’ve even tagged you with “CC BY-NC-SA 4.0” in my Lemmy client -
Well I’m not the first to use it, I learned to use it here from someone else, but open source licensing notoriety is something I can live with. 😜
which means I will confront you if you ever stop doing it.
Honestly it would be me just leaving Lemmy (again) if the harassment gets to be too much (Edit: Example: https://lemmy.world/comment/15320340).
But I’d rather be here than Reddit, even with the lesser moderation that happens here.
I do appreciate your support, thank you. 👍
Why all the tilde symbols? That’s what makes it quite distracting and hard to read for me tbh.
I’m using the Lemmy.World formatting (https://join-lemmy.org/docs/users/02-media.html). I’m subscripting the text/link to make it smaller/footer.
It sounds like your client is not supporting that. You should speak with the devs of your client about that. Here’s the actual formatting string being used by me…
[~This~ ~comment~ ~is~ ~licensed~ ~under~ ~CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0~](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode.en)
Well, scrapers probably would ignore it.
Maybe, I wouldn’t doubt it, if true. We live in the age of “ask for forgiveness and not permission”. But the law is the law, and forgiveness may cost them some $$$ down the road. At the very least it leaves them exposed vis-a-vis ‘Safe Harbor’ laws-wise, when some other powerful entity wants to go to war with them.
In either case, I’m not going to give up my rights just because currently laws are not enforced. Like most things with humans, things move back-and-forth throughout time, and what may be overlooked today may be scrutinized thoroughly tomorrow.
(And for the record, you’re the bazillionish person to tell me that. The repetition is real.)
I urge you to read the letter. It will raise your consciousness a hundred times more than any conversation you’ll have on Lemmy today.
I’ll take a look.
TOS can’t change Law, can’t strip away rights that you have.
Law always trumps TOS.
In fact, if a company tries to via their TOS they are opening themselves up for big risks/lawsuits, as they are trying to gain ownership of your content, voiding their Safe Harbor law protections.
They can’t have it both ways, thats not how the Law works. Either they have the protection, or they own the content.
But only in a kind of theoretical sense. They think the status quo is best for everyone, but it’s really only best for them.
You’ll have to elaborate/defend that statement. I think you’re just imposing your own perspective/worldview without facts in evidence.
What is a more centrist sentiment than “our system may not be perfect, but it’s the best there is”?
That would be said by Leftists about a Leftist-bias system, or Rightists about a Rightist-bias system. What you described is not just in the domain of the Centrist. There are many “systems” that groups of humans gather around, and each system may look very different from other systems.
See Dr. King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” for an eloquent condemnation of “moderates”.
I have not read this, so apologies if I get this wrong, but I will judge this sentence based on the overall message of your comment reply.
Being a moderate does not mean settling for whatever no matter what, no matter how harmful it is. Its about trying to have a consensus that most/all can live with, in how we run our society and how we act towards each other.
For example, if everybody agreed on Leftism, then should the middle of the Leftism population be condemmed (as they would now be the Centrists of Leftism)? Or Centrists of Rightism?
If human history teaches us anything, governing from the fridge/edges never works out well for everybody else.
Also as someone else suggested, look into automation lol
I comment on both my phone and PC. As a sofware developer, its not a big deal for me to copy/paste, I do it all the time (even read the O’Reilly book on the subject 😜 ).
Well like it or not, your footer is just a part of your comments, and so people are invited to respond however they wish when you post it on lemmy.
That logic doesn’t track though, as that content is just a footer, it is not the actual content of what’s being discussed in the post, which is what people should be responding to.
It would be the same as if for every comment I made on a subject it opposed people instead started asking me questions about my username, and not discussing the subject of the post.
If you don’t like people making the same replies, you can simply stop posting the same content in every comment.
You really shouldn’t be “blaming the victim” on this one.
Even if what you said previously is true, when a person has been directed to a location where an answer to their question has already been given, and they refuse to do so, but instead continue to badger the person directly, that’s detrimental to the conversation being had (by derailing it), as well as I would argue to Lemmy itself. And if done enough times on purpose could be considered harassment.
People should not be able to dictate what other people put in their comments, and should definitely not harass them continuously over what they have in their comments.
And I’m assuming just having “all content licesed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0” in your bio wouldn’t work?
I’m not sure if I understand your question.
I believe it does work. Or at least it should, and I shouldn’t give up my right to license my own content just because enforcement of laws is lax.
Do you spend a lot of time arguing with people over it?
Allot more than I wish, I really try not to. Even today, I keep asking people to not rehash it, and lets just talk about the topic my comment was posted in. But for some strange reason people just won’t let it go, and push to talk about it.
Well, I’d enjoy it more if people (in general) stopped bothering me about using a license for my content, than I actually do using a license for my content. 😜
The reason why this might work on Lemmy but not on corporate Social media is that corporate social media often have terms of service that require you to give them ownership/rights/etc. Lemmy has no such ToC.
Actually, Safe Harbor laws would encompass social media sites as well, so it would work there as well.
Either corporations own the content you post and are responsible for it, or they just host your content you post that you own and are immune from harm for the content. The law is currently the latter, and not the former.
Also, law trumps ToS’s.
Honestly I don’t believe it would help myself
It would help if the companies that are training their LLMs honor content creators licenses. If they ignore the law in that, then it would in theory need to be policed.
In either case, its a quick copy/paste on my part, so /shrug.
As someone else mentioned, it’s probably people who simply have to correct others when they don’t share the option. Doubt it would be anything like being in support of LLMs, probably the opposite.
I don’t know. It would behoove those who need our content to train their LLMs to intimidate/redirect people away from licensing their content. And I can’t imagine regular people getting so caught up to spend so much time on this issue. If you look through my comment history, starting 9-10 months ago, and see how many replies I’ve gotten, and even how posts talk about this issue (https://lemmy.world/post/14942506), I can’t imagine a single link would cause all of that. Theres got to be something more to it than that.
Dreamcast and the first Playstation.
For pure old school retro it would be the old Compaq suitcase-sized laptop PC.
This comment is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0