Well, let me just take this proud moment to exercise my fediverse given power to say, FREE LUIGI!
“All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.” -Hawking
Humanist, interested in helping and learning.
Well, let me just take this proud moment to exercise my fediverse given power to say, FREE LUIGI!
This comment is S-tier. Cheers!
Heh, and the rest of the country, “sometimes nothing’s a pretty cool hand.”
Heh, sometimes you learn by seeing what wrong looks like. Well put, Squid!
Truth, and it invokes fond memories of some of my favorite Bean books, although Orson Scott Card can go fuck himself.
Dat ferret arm doe.
For some reason, this far side has always stuck with me. I often open my mailbox and quote this, and no one gets it. I love it, great share, thanks!
Bank teller w/half a dog tag chain.
Exaggerating for comedies’ sake, but it is usually at least one a day. US news, world news (w/us bullshit), applesauce news (with something about trump for some reason); you know that kinda stuff.
Hell, the day apartheid boy went full himmler, I still saw that shit in videos, iirc. I get it, and I’m not angry at our people here, but I’m trying to focus on organizing the working class through cute pika pictures, I don’t want region destabilization distracting me.
I learned a while back that those were all previous band persona’s of his.
And Betty, when you call me…
Fucking Gary. That is deliciously dark. Great share, thanks!
Y’all focused on the wrong thing. How the fuck you pronounce the nieces name?
I’m listening.
Gary Larson, if there actually is a heaven, I pray you get there. Bless you friend. Great share, thanks!
Ich bin ein berliner!
My interest is piqued, but it doesn’t have a native usb-c? Only old usb-a? Am I reading that right? The c is a part of one of the attachments? Don’t love that.
It’s a bold move, cotton…
I, for one, can’t wait to see where it goes. Great share, thanks
A robot can not harm nor, through inaction, allow harm to come to a human
A robot must obey unless it counters rule one
A robot must protect itself unless it counters rule 1 or 2
Apologize for not responding with something useful here. The 30-year part is just ringing in my head. But it makes sense. Notorious BIG was still alive and lawd noes that was a minute ago.
Rip Biggie. Great share, thanks!