If you live somewhere with mosquitos, you can’t win.
Dark colors: better for stains, worse for avoiding mosquitos
Light colors: worse for stains, better for avoiding mosquitos
If you live somewhere with mosquitos, you can’t win.
Dark colors: better for stains, worse for avoiding mosquitos
Light colors: worse for stains, better for avoiding mosquitos
Four is bad luck in Japanese superstition, because its pronunciation (‘shi’) is the same as the word for ‘death’.
So, I picked it by choosing 12^3 + 2. I wanted to start with something easily factored (power of 12) and not too small, but not interesting because of its factorization. And I wanted it to be even, since odd numbers tend to have funny quirks. So a simple +2.
What’s amusing is that I did this before looking at the Wikipedia page. According to that, the original number that inspired this paradox was 1729. So just by happenstance, I picked one integer higher than the original “uninteresting” number. Which I guess arguably makes 1730 interesting now (though admittedly not for mathematical reasons).
1730 seems pretty uninteresting to me, and that hasn’t changed after taking a few minutes to check if there’s anything that makes it less than dull.
I don’t disagree with you. But don’t you think there’s a component of it that’s like, “Hey I want to both 1) release a game and 2) put food on table”? Since 99% of players are on Windows, actually doing both kind of necessitates building for Windows first.
As Linux gamers I think we should keep going in the direction we’ve been and making it easier and easier for devs to port to Linux or run their games through Proton and so forth. It’s been amazing and my time as a player has been so good in the last couple years. If we keep showing that, more players will come over and the userbase will grow. I’ve heard from plenty of others who have ditched Windows, because gaming was their last holdout.
The big AAA publishers aren’t struggling for basic needs. We can make demands of them. But the small inside devs? Help 'em out where you can.
I built the Apollo Lunar Lander not long ago. I enjoy the experience of putting together Lego kits so sure, I’d do that again. Or even a bigger one like the Saturn V.
The problem is what to do with these after I finish assembling them. Nicer kits have a good number of specialized parts so I don’t want to take them apart. So they just sit on a shelf and collect dust.
Yeah actually I quite like the peel in a cocktail or orange chicken. I was just joking around.
Both of you should just man up and eat the seeds and peel too.
Probably Grontar: The Frutang, circa 2003.
Wood Science must be a rather strange field.
1 mL of pure water weighs exactly 1 g at 20 °C and 1 atm pressure :) It’s a defined standard, useful for calibrating other things.
1 mL. Studying chemistry has made that extremely useful and now other units seem ridiculous.
If we’re talking about geology or oceanography though, cubic meters are fine.
Also the phone app icon still resembles one of those old banana units, even though phones haven’t looked that way in 25+ years.
This is how I feel a lot of times. But I did at least have the sense to go for Endeavour rather than straight to Arch (and prior to that, Manjaro and Ubuntu).
No; I died.
It’s not the laser beam itself, but more that the laser excites a material in such a way that the material can no longer be transmissive to a second beam (i.e. becomes opaque to the second wavelength).
Assuming this happens fast it could be amazing for optical switches.
“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not.”
“Kid, I’ve flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff”
Yeah but the spelling ‘normally’ would have been updated to match English pronunciation. That’s what happens in most languages. As I understand there were two issues:
Haha…ha… ha
(Me, over 40 in the same sitch)