JD Vance and Trump are doing a power grab to ignore checks and balances that are very basic elementary school level things that their supporters are going to suddenly pretend aren’t a thing
JD Vance and Trump are doing a power grab to ignore checks and balances that are very basic elementary school level things that their supporters are going to suddenly pretend aren’t a thing
who love strawmen
like “narwhal bacon”
I never said bots were the problem
it’s super easy to program bots to imitate people
Considering how dense you are tho
On boy are you dense. I agreed if your theory that bots are to blame is correct you have a legitimate complaint I dispute that and you got really confused and angry saying I don’t understand instead of anything of substance. Do you know what projection is?
If you think it’s bots then that seems like a more legitimate complaint
An easy way to win popularity contests is to stuff the ballot. On the internet, you can do this with bots
You really need to work on your communication and reading comprehension buddy.
Maybe try a mirror bud
I did not misunderstand your bot theory but good to see you prove my “even if I agree” point lmao
This site is maybe the worst echo chamber I’ve ever experienced it’s just one that suites my opinions. Hell even if I agree with the echo chamber but I’m the wrong way it gets rejected aggressively. If you think it’s bots then that seems like a more legitimate complaint but if it’s a repost getting enough upvotes and is not weighted for controversy then it’s actually the terminally online people that know every post suffering with their obsession and not the community at large. I completely disagree with that theory
Then down vote it? Isn’t that the point of that button? I’m assuming a big problem with Reddit was they wanted controversial posts seen which took away from the power of down voting but hopefully Lemmy doesn’t? I don’t actually know though
Fine, from Red Notes very own eula, your can’t:
distorts national history and historical figures, harms national feelings, and undermines national unity;
You cannot disagree with the states narrative
Well you’re clearly a nato spy doing a counter psyop so I can ignore anything you say too. See how dumb that sounds?
You understand my claim is that there topic gets censored right? None of that is even attempting to be evidence to the contrary. I guess you’re trying to say they’re stomping down on lies spreading? That’s still censorship and I am still highly sceptical of a state that does that. It’s so weird that you want to eat that up. You weren’t there. You have to, again like I said, make assumptions about which sources to believe
There’s a concerning amount of gaslighting going on in this thread. There absolutely was and is silencing going on around Tiananmen Square: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests_and_massacre#Contemporary_issues
You’re also making assumptions though. And like pointed out elsewhere, mentioning Tiananmen Square still gets silenced so we’re kinda forced to assume one way or another and I generally don’t believe the state that is doing the silencing. That’s not racist and it’s messed up to jump to that accusation so quickly
It seems unusual for a dad to ask if you miss them and talk about their dick. This seems like how a partner would text you.
And thousands(?) have no lives because of this asshole. Dude killed a serial killer as far as I’m concerned
Please let me know where I defended her ideology? And you’re going to be very confused by that tag if you see me in that lmao. I explicitly have condemned her ideology over and over. Hypocrisy does not equate to moral. You can be hypocritical in a moral way. You clearly just don’t know what that word means
I agree she was a dumb and selfish bitch. I think it’s important to be concise, especially around something that’s brought up repeatedly like this and this thread in particular is trying to call her hypocritical. When we call someone a hypocrite that isn’t, it weakens the argument. I want a solid condemnation of this person and their philosophy that doesn’t have holes people can poke and then over correct with
I don’t use Reddit, that’s really weird to use as an insult though especially when so much of this sites content comes from there
When one speaks of man’s right to exist for his own sake, for his own rational self-interest, most people assume automatically that this means his right to sacrifice others. Such an assumption is a confession of their own belief that to injure, enslave, rob or murder others is in man’s self-interest—which he must selflessly renounce.
This is a critique of social security as a program it says nothing about what someone who has already paid into the system should do. They were already “robbed”. Taking money you’re entitled to is rational self interested. That’s just what those words mean.
Go enjoy your successful defense of Ayn Rand and her ideology
Like how I called her dumb immoral and wrong over and over again? And you think you’re trying to have an honest conversation?
I’m fucking done with you.
I wonder what you think this means. You seem to struggle with what words mean
Salt the earth