Something else to look into is that macbooks sometimes just hate having things plugged into USB when they’re sleeping. If you’re leaving anything plugged into the ports while it’s sleeping, try not doing that and see if it helps.
Hate is always foolish and Love is always wise.
Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.
Never be cruel.
Never be cowardly.
Never give up.
Never give in.
Something else to look into is that macbooks sometimes just hate having things plugged into USB when they’re sleeping. If you’re leaving anything plugged into the ports while it’s sleeping, try not doing that and see if it helps.
I hope we get pictures of bumblebees on nickels soon… five bees a for a quarter I’d say.
I tried to look up the gripmunk but they have different styles. So IDK which one you meant.
I wouldn’t say this like a super slim case but it’s not like otterbox or urban armor gear nonsense. I’m a guy that wears jeans so I can put it in a pocket no problem. So it isn’t huge and cumbersome but it’s not like girl jeans fake pocket slim heh. I tried to get some pics that show the amount of thickness and extra bezel it adds. I measured and it looks like it adds maybe 2mm all the way around.
If you wanted to wait the PhoneRebel cases will be finished for the 16 sooner or later. Those are decent, more slim, and come with a free glass screen protector. Magnet isn’t as good but it’s decent.
The Ghostek Atomic Slim case. Two layers of padding inside, and an aluminum frame. Also has the strongest magsafe magnet in the case I’ve used. I still have one on a 13PM that I got with it and aside from a couple scuffs in the anodizing, is in perfect shape.
The only issue that we saw is the camera protective area is a little larger so on the pro model it interfered with some of the larger hand grips slightly (the pro max model was fine, and smaller grips worked on both).
Yeah I saw the edit button for the gallery. It’s classic Apple though. Just let you move around their generated nonsense but the app is fundamentally changed interface so might as well just get used to it.
Same thing with the control center. I know I can swipe from the very bottom to clear it. But the point was I didn’t have to do that before so it’s less convenient for someone we didn’t need and wasn’t implemented well.
You can go into the edit lock screen area and where you customize the background and widgets etc the bottom two things (flashlight and camera icons)are now editable.
Gawd… I just opened the photo gallery app… that redesign is awful. I don’t want a bunch of “we’re pretending to be facebook so here’s a bunch of ‘memories’ for you” pushed at me. I know what photos I took… I took them. Go away.
The configurable control center pages is nice in theory… but what it does in practice is you open it to use it and try to swipe it back up so you can go back to your homescreen, but instead you end up swiping up the stupid control center page and seeing your media controls instead. That’s going to take ages to get used to.
The new more fluid feeling fade in for notifications on the apple watch is nice though. I still hate the redesign from the last version. Reduced functionality for me, as usual.
They finally nuked the “special” widget section on the left fully… which screwed up a couple useful widgets that I was using and haven’t found a replacement for… so that sucks.
New homescreen positioning is cool, but breaks one of the workarounds I was using without a replacement either (smart stack with a background that made them invisible until I scrolled them). Minor thing, but annoying. We can position icons slightly better now… but I still can’t have 5 items in my dock? I still can’t have different grid sizes? I still can’t add custom icons? Sad.
No more mandatory camera app on lockscreen? nice. Hasn’t been needed in forever… even less with the newer models having a hardware button.
Drag n drop for control center? Better late than never. Hate the round icons though… I like squarcles. When I still had an android and they tried to move to circles for everything, I applied a custom icon set to make them revert. Dislike the circles. Also the fact that the larger size is still a squarcle… makes it mismatched and stupid looking.
Like always… feels like a step forward and a step back. :/
Atari 2600 because it’s the one I got to play the most and having video games outside of the arcade was mind blowing.
I never had a Vetrex but I would see them and always wanted one. Still do lol.
Not a “console” per se… but in that time frame… Commodore vic 20 or 64 would probably have been my most played games.
Legend of Zelda following Twilight Princess.
TimeSplitters following future perfect.
XIII following… the ending of XIII cliffhanger.
Half Life following HL2 E2 cliffhanger… or L4D3… or Portal 3…
Overwatch following Jeff Kaplan
Cave Story following Cave Story 1
Oh I didn’t mean it to sound derogatory. I played it back on commodore64 back when it first came out in that same age range… so yeah I get it… it’s obtuse game for sure. Great if you get into it, tons of content, but definitely a lot.
Last time I tried it was on the pc version, which is free fwiw.
I’ve never tried it on apple II so I couldn’t really say for emulation on that one.
Side note, if you want to play something that was heavily inspired by the classic Ultima games check out Moonring. It was made by one of the original devs of Fable and he outright says Ultima inspired it and the game wears that lineage on it’s sleeve. It’s got a lot of nice modern QoL and it was released for free and is still in active development. It’s just a passion project for him.
I also recommend “suspended” and “wishbringer” if you’re into text adventures.
I feel you, “half asleep” is a far too common affliction I am well acquainted with heh.
“frotz” is the name of the spell from the text adventure game “Enchanter” that makes things glow to light areas as you adventure, which is where the text adventure app gets it’s name.
Unsure if just adding more helpful info, or missed the joke. ;)
Yeah it absolutely does not hold your hand at all. It really helps to have the supplemental stuff that originally came with it like the big cloth map. They’re included digitally with things like gog but not everyone knows that. It definitely doesn’t have some of the quality of life we’ve gotten used to in the years since release. It was also intentionally unique in how it was presenting the story in that just killing things that attack you isn’t always the right answer in combat.
I can totally see how a lot of people would bounce off of it. I am sure some of it for me is nostalgia, though if you get into it there’s a lot there.
If the story of it interests you and you just wanna watch a retrospective about it there’s a great series majuular is doing on youtube.
I hear glowing reviews of frotz.
Oldest game I’ve actually played this year would probably be a bit of Ultima IV: Quest for the Avatar, 1985.
Mario 64
Legend Of Zelda OOT
Mario Kart 64
Goldeneye 007
Perfect Dark
Diddy Kong Racing
Blast Corps
Starfox 64
Killer Instinct Gold
Super Smash Bros
Kirby 64
WaveRace 64
StarWars Shadows of the Empire
But but… the new era of “innovation”… by bringing back watered down versions of old stuff… including loot boxes, which ostensibly was half the reason for the Overwatch Too release. We’ll be lucky if they don’t find some way to add AI dlc or something at this point.