Who even eats Pringles anymore? I can’t remember the last time I saw someone with a can of gross potato dough chips
Who even eats Pringles anymore? I can’t remember the last time I saw someone with a can of gross potato dough chips
Bruh… are you me? Am I you?
I love how I feel so tired during the day. I drag my feet around trying to stay busy so I don’t fall asleep. But usually somewhere around 8-9 pm I feel energized and that’s when I decide I want to get shit done. And ready to repeat the cycle of endless tiredness.
Literally me this morning. And pretty much every morning. I always regret staying up so late. And I tell myself every morning that today I will go to bed early. It’s no use… I belong to the night. Where my night people at?!!
I think for the most part it stayed in reddit, and I’m so glad it did. But I have run into the odd “classic” reddit comment like “sigh unzips” and jfc did it make me realize how much I had not missed that kind of tired, uncreative, dumb bullshit joke.
Some people really want lemmy, or the fediverse for that matter, to be reddit. And that’s not a bad thing of its own. But maybe we can let it be what it wants to be.
Shut the fuck up, Donnie. You piece of shit
I really hate them. There’s something very disturbing shut about them
Watch them start making chargers that hook up to your infotainment system and run ads all the way through your charging session.
Edit: period.
As a Mexican, I don’t take Taco Bell jokes to be offensive. Or even Mexican food jokes to be offensive, for that matter. I mean, i know my people’s food will sometimes make me shit my pants, but fuck it’s delicious. But back to the point, Taco Bell is far from being ethnically offensive, because it is far from being representative of Mexican food.
Does it work on Firefox, or only on Safari?