I think you’re taking this a bit more seriously than it’s intended to be, but yeah, there have been Democrat presidents, but there still isn’t gun control, univseral healthcare (not even for children!), etc.
I started playing Drakar & Demoner (now known as “Dragonbane”) in the 80’s, but after a long abscence from the world of TTRPGs I started playing D&D 5E in 2020. Now I’m exploring Pathfinder 2E, as well as designing my own GURPS-inspired game. My home in the Fediverse is https://ttrpg-hangout.social/.
I think you’re taking this a bit more seriously than it’s intended to be, but yeah, there have been Democrat presidents, but there still isn’t gun control, univseral healthcare (not even for children!), etc.
If the republicans win, it goes further right. If the democrats win, it stays where it is. So the only movement is to the right, never left.
“We”? Who are “we”? Star fleet?
People have to remember that this is the Internet, this thing is global.
My one thing I feel like I can brag about in tech circles is that I switched to Linux in 1995 (Linux kernel version 1.2.1), and I haven’t looked back since. This was even before Windows 95 was released.
Yes. However, if you had skipped the -f, it would have been valid. Without the filename argument, it assumes it should extract from the tape drive (TAR = Tape ARchive). The tape device is probably something like /dev/rmt0, but you don’t need to specify that. Using the -f is technically an exception which means “instead of extracting from the tape like you’d normally do, pretend that this file is the tape device instead.”
I get your point, but he didn’t create Tesla, he bought it (as far as I know). So it could be argued that these things would be happening with or without him. But with him, he’s giving electric cars (at least, that brand) a bad name.
That’s not how that works. In Linux, that command would simply create girlfriend out of thin air.
… no wonder we like Linux.
Yes, and the same goes for “medium”: one medium, several media. When people say “media” now, they typically mean what used to be referred to as “mass media”, that is, newspapers, TV, etc.