Myself, my laptop and my hand
sounds like a party, but you really don’t want to put your dick in that
jokes on you. I already quit my job
As book adaptations go, it was not terrible!
I did like the movie, though, no mistake. They did a great job
I loved that book. What an LSD Trip of a story (the Southern reach trilogy)
Also missing New Zealand?
Edit. lol. Just now saw your server instance
private equity investment firms
Protein is protein and if this is where someone needs to get it, then this is what it will be
The Goat Herders Guide to the Galaxy
one large mean green kidney bean??
Today I learned about the i2p project! Looking forward to trying this out. Sadly I have nothing to share to help answer, but thank you for raising your question
have you ran into any issues with the reconditioned drives? the thought has never set easy with me
gigabit for that price?? amazing. who’s your provider?
my take was that GN Steve is the one throwing punches and Linus said on the WAN Show that he didn’t want any part of it