They are so good at advertising Linux that they have 73% of desktop market share while linux has less than 5% according to statcounter
They are so good at advertising Linux that they have 73% of desktop market share while linux has less than 5% according to statcounter
“Everyone that doesn’t share my specific preferences is a sheep (╯° □°) ╯”
I shall not stoop so low as to using a browser named ““floorp””.
You address this to tankies. I see very few of them around here these days.
Cringe karma post.
Changing the brightness or WiFi settings can be very useful for many people. Not everyone is a Linux nerd and knows all the ins and outs of basic computing.
Time 💫 will ✨ prove 💫 you ✨ wrong. 💫
One comment that agrees 🥲
They probably wouldn’t be such a laughing stock if they were successful.
Its a good point but you can always have even lesa market share.
Don’t tell me Linux mint would still be Linux mint without the a desktop environment like Cinnamon. An os is the collection of all the software not just the low level code.
Work on useful alternatives to big corpo crapware = lick the boot?
“It happened once, therefore it follows that it will happen again” is confirmation bias
You’re right but realistically it will fail. The voices speaking against it are few and largely marginalised, with no money or power. There will probably be regulations but it will not go away.
The potential for damage is much higher
Doubt it. Maybe Microsoft can fuck it up somehow but the tech is here to stay and will do massive good.
I guess we’ll see. 😃 In any case I wouldn’t want my Linux desktop to be 5 years behind if they do take off on other platforms.
Fair enough…
You might argue that “private cloud” is privacy preserving
I don’t know since when “on device” means send it to a server. Come up with more straw men I didn’t mention for you to defeat.
I agree. Openai have sold everything they supposedly stood for.
2020 called, they want their self-pity memes back