Nope I sleep like a baby. If it’s too hot them my dreams might get weird though.
Nope I sleep like a baby. If it’s too hot them my dreams might get weird though.
I don’t seem to have any actually good pictures of them in my phone atm and they’re in the middle of a shed right now. So the best I’ve got is a pic from the time they decided slither into my couch frame and made me partially dismantle my couch to get them out. They’re lucky that they’re cute.
You do realize that there’s insulation in those walls right. That’s the whole point of wood frame construction; you stuff the gaps between studs full of several inches of insulation. Besides, most of a homes heat loss isn’t through the walls anyways. It’s through any openings in those walls (windows, doors, etc) and through the roof.
26?! Hell, I can’t even sleep if it’s above like 20C in my room. My bedroom right now is 10C (vents blocked to keep it extra cold) and that’s about the perfect sleeping temp. I’d go that cold in the rest of the house too but my pet snake probably wouldn’t appreciate it.
Win 10 was definitely an improvement over 8. I’d even argue that 10 as it started out was the best since xp. Of course now 10 has been fully enshitified but it used to be good.
I use the 10 setting to clean limescale off my sink. I’m pretty sure it could strip latex paint if you tried.
I’m gonna need that link bro. I’m the same. I have a tiny ass mouth and big ass hands. I also hate using the disposible ones because it just seems like so much waste.
Ok, but most of those shouldn’t even be considered hobbies. Like poker can be a hobby but if your hobby is just “gambling” then you probably have an issue. I guess your hobby could be porn if you’re in the kink scene and into making porn or something, but while watching porn is ok, if you consider watching porn a hobby then you may have an issue.
It’s that men don’t take a lot of pictures of themselves.
I can’t speak for all men but I have a complete inability to look even remotely normal if I know a picture is being taken of me. I try to take profile pics and they all wind up awful and that’s not just my view. I showed my friend just to make sure it wasn’t just poor self image talking and they reacted like I was showing off a broken bone. I think the only way I’m going to get workable dating profile pics is if I have a friend take pictures of me without me noticing like I’m some sort of cryptid and they’retrying to capture proof.
but for the missing appendage.
If you cant grow your own, storebought is fine.
My condolences.
Mostly joking, I dont know a damn thing about Arizona. There should be some beautiful national parks there but other than that it’s pretty empty. Vastly different landscape than the UK though so that should be interesting. Also you’re definitely visiting durring the right time of year.
I’m not about to find them but there were a couple studies a while back that said regular prostate stimulation reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
Of course those could always be like the studies that come out every year about how eggs/chocolate/coffee are good/bad for you.
Prostate exams actually aren’t recommended for most people anymore. It turns out they weren’t great at catching prostate cancer anyways. Now they only recomend them if you actually have a family history of prostate cancer or other risk factors.
But also I don’t think this is refering to pegging being a prostate exam. I’m fairly certain it’s refering to the fact that some studies have shown that regular prostate stimulation slightly reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
Where in the USA are you going. Saying you’re going to the USA is like saying you’re going to europe. There’s a vast difference between the different states and regions within those states.
Do they use a lot of lotion? I’ve seen similar from someone who frequently used lotion on their hands.
Instead of Josh Richmond my semiawake brain initially saw Richard Stallman and I was very confused for a moment.
Elon musk also says it’ll let you shit flowers and breathe hard vaccum. Melon husk just makes shit up whenever he feels like it. It’s not going to stream music into your brain. They still can’t even get it to stop killing the testing animals.