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Literally the subheading of the article
Complètement diminuées, des personnes atteintes de Covid long font face à des délais de plus deux ans pour savoir si elles auront droit ou non à une rente AI. Incapables de travailler, certaines finissent ruinées.
In english:
Completely disabled, people stricken by long COVID face delays of more than two years to know if they will have disability benefits. Incapable of working, some finish bankrupt.
Is this not an example of medical bankruptcy ie. bankruptcy due to a medical condition?
It’s about bankrupcy due to a medical condition.
Yes, resulting from lack of treatment and delay in paying disability benefits.
Dude I’ve lived in France, Switzerland, Austria, and the UK.
I’m not trying to tell you universal healthcare is bad. I’ve never said the US system is better, in fact it’s far worse. Don’t straw man me.
All I said is the statistics on the meme are false and ignore a lot of suffering and death. And you took that as a personal attack on universal healthcare.
My experience in; France, Switzerland, Austria, United Kingdom
Doesn’t every county Texas hand one out to you as a coming of age gift when you turn 18? Or was the cartoon I watched as a kid lying.
That’s not how it works in my country. Great that that’s how your country works. The vast majority of those with universal healthcare don’t work like that.
I used to work for a disability advocacy organisation so I can assure you that.
You’re vastly underestimating the number of disabled and poor people and you’re vastly overestimating the number of things that are covered.
I get your proud of your country or your system or whatever, but please don’t minimise the experience of already marginalised groups.
An article just yesterday about the same happening in Switzerland
Sorry then.
I guess me living my entire life in a system with universal healthcare, being denied treatments that could have prevented me going deaf and needing a feeding tube is all in my imagination.
The treatments for these werent extreme. It was a fairly simple drug therapy that costs around 5’000 Euro per year and is sold in my country.
It just isn’t on the list of drugs covered by public health insurance. As I’m surviving on 12k per year disability benefits, I could not afford the treatment.
But just because it never impacted you you assume my experience doesn’t exist, because you have the privilege that the system never didn’t work for you, so you assume it works for everyone.
For sure. But now imagine your disabled and on disability income, where you get payed 1k a month and are living in poverty.
There are public health systems that just won’t offer that operation. Or you’ll have a 1.5 year waiting list. So in the end, unless you’re rich and pay for private insurance, it comes out as the same.
(Edit: since someone thought my take is because I’m american and don’t understand. I’m european, have lived most my life in europe, this is from lived experience)
I know it would be covenient to accept this meme as true, but it very much isn’t.
Just like insurance companies in the US don’t cover everything you need, sometimes even lifesaving treatment, the same (though less extreme) happens in nearly all public health systems.
I say this as someone who has gone through this and become tubefed and deaf as a result.
Same as the disability community.
Hey that’s me!!
Those semi rare gems are the best.
As pretty as the ruby/diamond/emrald stones, but without the absurd costs.
Ehhh, what else are you gonna do while sitting on the toilet.
It’s never all or nothing friend. You can vote and sign a couple petitions (which in the grand scheme of things take no time), and also push revolutionary protests and praxis.
Honestly the tankie takes justifying atrocities is nearly as bad as the conservative takes justifying the same.