I’ll start looking for it! 👍
I’ll start looking for it! 👍
Gameye on Android
IX might be my favorite of all time, and I would have camped out overnight to have that on something like the DS.
At least we’re getting some re-releases on the Switch now. 🤷
I’ve been eyeing the collection on Switch! Just hard to justify when I have so many other ways to play those games already. My money is finite, unfortunately.
I do love the soundtracks though, and that also makes it tempting. I play a lot of theatrythm on both 3DS and Switch.
Yes I have, I open up every cart I purchase used and give it a good clean before testing it in a system. They are all genuine carts (and the DS FFIII I bought new on release).
I wish! I still don’t have a PSP or Vita 😮💨
Just GBA, Square Enix did all these releases for it and I’m a big fan of the series and the system. Just threw Tactics in because it’s also “Final Fantasy” on the GBA. And figured I’d put the DS III in there too for the hell of it.
I have the original Tactics installed on my PS Classic. 🤷
Oh, it’s right there… on my wishlist.
I do have it on my 3DS though as part of that Ambassador program. Not the same as having the cart, so I still want to track it down sometime.
I definitely have some options when I need a GBA fix!
I can relate to that. Same story, but for Virtual Boy’s NA Jack Bros. Way too expensive to get now, but I got it way back when and thought I was paying too much at the time!
I know! 😭
It’s been on the list for a while, but there are just too many great games in the GBA library. It’s difficult to track down every cart I want (cause I kinda want all of them)
If you have to have dedicated carts of them - I’d say to go for it!
If all you need is to play them again - I would strongly recommend getting a flash cart instead. Repros can be pretty unreliable.
I wish I could have all of them! Maybe some day…
I was never really interested in any Pokemon game after the first two gens. They just didn’t feel like different enough games to me. So with GBA, I only grabbed the remakes of the first gen when they came out.
It’s a great game! And Treasure seemed to work in every graphical trick they could get out of the system. There’s some impressive and chaotic graphics in that game.
The mother games are the only repros I’ve purchased, it’s a crime that Nintendo didn’t localize those for NA or EUR!
So it’s just a cheap repro from eBay with an English patch. I have a flash cart too, which is probably the better way to go.
It’s too hard to choose!
Advance Wars is always a solid choice, with the ability to create your own maps it never really gets old.
Metroid Fusion is one of my favorites too.
Drill Dozer is a blast to 100%, and WarioWare is fantastic any time you pick it up!
There are too many great games on this system for me to choose!
I’m still looking to grab Iridion II, it’s supposed to be the superior game to the first. Love the music in Iridion 3D though 👍
It’s fun! Crank up the speed and traffic, and it gets ridiculous trying to get your chicken across! Great head-to-head game, wish we had had this one at home when I was a kid.