Can’t he just afford liposuction? He looks absurd.
Can’t he just afford liposuction? He looks absurd.
Yeah I’m not sure what the purpose of the comment was. To convince people to continue using gas on the off chance it won’t increase cancer risk? That’s not a compelling reason to use gas. It might not kill me.
Isn’t it trivial to run both? You just point them at the same library right?
I rescued baby raccoons from a dumpster once.
Holy crap, that’s the exact post I was talking about! Nice!
I mean, they do until they don’t. They eventually retired 16 bit subsystem, and they are gungho on TPM now. They have always had EOL dates for old OS’s too. I’m not entirely sure why they do what they do, I suspect they are too large and unwieldy to operate as an entity with a unified vision.
Are you sure it’s not bad from a technical perspective? I saw a story from a former programmer talking about how changes would be made the to the interface in the new settings app that’s trying to replace control panel and the shit was like a horror story.
Can anyone explain Bluesky vs Mastodon as Twitter alternatives, asking as someone who never really used Twitter much anyway?
Awesome job!
Yeah, you can take in beauty anywhere, even a plastic bag floating in the wind. It’s more a mind set. If you deliberately look for goodness and beauty, you’ll find it. I could stroll down 5th avenue NYC and look up and be in awe of the towering monuments to human ingenuity and grit all around me. Or I can take that same walk and fixate in on litter and grumble.
Can also use Pi KVM to add a similar capability to non server grade hardware that doesn’t have it. I did that for a workstation once.
To add to these ideas, I’ve heard of a 4 bank account system for couples.
Joint Checking where living expenses can come from.
Joint Savings for shared investments. Requires two signatures to move money out.
And then each gets a personal account with their spending money that each gets to do whatever they want with.
Might be a patience thing too? Most cookies will take some time to really absorb a meaningful amount of milk. Like Oreos take a good 10 seconds submerged. You can see bubbles as milk replaces air in the cookie.
There are some rare cookies that will absorb the milk way faster, like Keebler Vienna Fingers will be soaked in like a couple of quick dunks.
Lost track of how many times I’ve looped Seinfeld.
I will have milk with things like cookies or chocolate cake. And milk is mandatory for Oreos.
Maybe it’s not being female led that’s the problem, it’s Mary Sue’s that I think people are tired of.
Why would you marry a bad spouse? You should figure that out before you marry them.
How about this, what’s the point of marriage? If it can be discarded at a whim, what does it mean in the first place?
I mean the problem with this entire discussion is marriage has no standard meaning anymore. Traditionalists think of it as a sacred vow, taking till Death do us part very seriously. Others think of it as some irrelevant social construct and an excuse to have a party.
I’m in the camp of it’s forever or it it’s pointless. Life is change. People change. The work that goes into marriage is the work of ensuring you grow together, not grow apart. I wouldn’t marry anyone that didn’t agree.
I guess that’s the bottom line. Make sure you both define marriage the same way before you get married. Which sounds obvious but… ::gestures around::
No I’m saying the person who ends the marriage shouldn’t get anything. And I’m saying you shouldn’t marry someone you would leave.
I dunno, I’m hearing way too many feelings, not enough facts, and zero communication.
Going to go with my usual advice. Nobody is psychic. Have a conversation. Discuss your feelings and be specific about WHY you feel what you feel, and what specific examples you will cite in terms of actions or behaviors.
Then you can act accordingly. You’ll either discover some kinda misunderstanding, or clear up some misconception, or perhaps just confirm that you are incompatible as friends for some reason or other.