IKEA has a number of displays or showcases to demonstrate what their products look like in use. I believe the joke is that there is no toilet paper in the mock bathroom that the speaker has just shit in.
IKEA has a number of displays or showcases to demonstrate what their products look like in use. I believe the joke is that there is no toilet paper in the mock bathroom that the speaker has just shit in.
Fun tip, you can dump a bucket of water to flush the toilet. Useful if you’re ever working on your water supply after taco night.
Reminds me of Desmond’s speech in Smiling Friends. https://youtu.be/ccGwa900AHc
To spoil the ending, he ends up using the gun to shoot a Blibli and discovers that it makes him happy, so he goes on to become an exterminator.
Some places have restrictions on the size of installed signs. That’s why you see signs slapped on the side of buses, shopping containers, trailers, etc.
At least once. If they’re monogamous it could be as high as three times.
Step 1: Take pictures so that you can look back when you want to. The items are gone, but the memories are not. Step 2: Give them to someone who will appreciate them. Tell them the story so they can truly know what they meant to your family.
I just go by PassMarks rating for CPU and GPU. It may not be the most nuanced rating, but it does give numbers that can be easily compared.
I used to be paranoid and anxious…
But then I got high.
A smart thermostat would likely have record of the set and actual temperatures.
I think it’s very domitable, some people are into that.
I was shopping for parts for a Halloween costume at the beginning of the month. Christmas music was playing in the store.
Because eventually you’ll break it lose one of the cups and then have 3 incomplete sets that will hopefully provide a full set between them.
It’s not actually Go-Gurt, that costs too much. He just bought normal yogurt, but doesn’t want to disappoint her.
Wow, you sobered up quick!
Awesome, that game was quite fun in early access. I’ll have to install it again.
Usually age has the opposite effect, but I hear they make pills for that.
Nice try, but I have more than that now and don’t want to go down to either.
I use metallic permanent markers. They apply a nice, thick coating so that the light still works but is severely diminished. It also can be done to some devices without opening them if they don’t have the light recessed too far.
I believe it’s for beam forming which can be used to improve signal strength in a specific direction.