So calm the fuck down first of all. Didn’t mean for a comment to attack you so hard and stress you out.
If I saw them I’d say something. But I wouldn’t go out of my way. You have to learn the hard way sometimes. But I would definitely point my security camera over just incase.
Idk. Maybe paying people 14 bucks a hour just to make sandwiches cause they complain that they can’t make money. Because they have no skills. Because they would rather make sandwiches and complain than get a job that pays better.
I mean he puts off the vibes for it. Definitely wouldn’t surprise me if he’s like Trump and Epstein
Good slavery is better than bad slavery. My last name literally translates to “slave owner” my family’s got history with it already. And I even know descendents of my great great grandfather’s slaves. There family still live in Kentucky to. Consider them like cousins.