And for some of the popular emotional support tanks not street legal to begin with.
And for some of the popular emotional support tanks not street legal to begin with.
Well, if it’s that or what’s increasingly the new Third Reich the PRC would be a grand improvement.
Modern headlights are blinding to anyone not in the vehicle using them. Oncoming headlights if you’re in anything shorter than whatever is producing them makes it near-impossible to see the road.
The owner class don’t create jobs. Work needs to be done regardless of their profitability, however their present control over the means to do it limits the work available to only what is most profitable for them and in as few jobs as possible for that profitable work.
Well, that and that those same SoBs can leverage their profits to induce scarcity where there isn’t naturally to further their profitability.
I’d be more surprised if you told me it wasn’t. At this point, living in the American Dystopia, I expect anything obtainable to a Proletarian to be at least partially artificial and likely carcinogenic.
And dramatically reducing crash survival rates.
They’re very consistent about this. It’s logically impossible for them to care less about the plight of the people. They’ve likely never cared to begin with or had conditioning over time to cease caring. No, their only concern is the continued profitability of their donors. No matter how many people that kills.
E-cigs and legal weed could be competitors to legal cigarettes. You know the abhorrent fucking things so bad they’ve “banned” them from advertising but would you look at that, they’re allowed to air PSAs about how bad they are… and make them so “incompetently” that they serve as advertisements for their vile product.
They never have and never will care about us. So, why the fuck do we tolerate them?
These people weather intentionally or not are just advocates for Human suffering. The more this goes on and the more blatant it becomes the less inclined I am to believe that they’re useful idiots, rather that they are willing accomplices.
On so many levels everything about our society needs to be burnt out. No one should tolerate our openly sadistic society.
I’ve taken to saying that we don’t live in a great country, nor a good one, or even an acceptable one. No, what we have is one that should be put out of our collective misery.
Just did some quick checking… it looks like the War on Terror as a whole averages well below the automotive catastrophe annually if we’re looking at even the broad anti-terrorism coalition.
Fuck decorum. I give negative damns about it given the extensive history of it being used as a shield to protect the facilitation of what amounts to mass murder. If dark skinned foreigners did ten percent the damage cars do we’d have used some of the nuclear arsenal but because it’s fucking profitable innocent people die every day and little, if anything, is done about its root causes.
Oct 1, 1949. Communist Party of China establishes the People’s Republic of China.
Then there’s the question of ‘Is China still socialist?’ which depends on what qualifies as socialist.
Like a lot of our problems: They were obviously a problem when they were new and continued to be obviously a problem up until they’d propagandized generations that grew up with them being a reality. It’s not so much a matter of the people of the past being dim-witted enough to go in for these bad ideas but rather the robber barons who’re interested in them spending a lot of time to normalize them in order to get much richer off of them at all our continued expense.