Dragging it out is a reoccurring theme here.
Who reads this anyway? Nobody, that’s who. I could write just about anything here, and it wouldn’t make a difference. As a matter of fact, I’m kinda curious to find out how much text can you dump in here. If you’re like really verbose, you could go on and on about any pointless…[no more than this]
Dragging it out is a reoccurring theme here.
Sounds more like non-binary to me.
Oh, I’ve read lots of those comments. Truly fascinating stuff, and I think there is a reason. Here are some guesses.
This level of toxicity is really impressive. Can I get sone sarin sauce on that plutonium burger, please?
You are appreciated the way you are. Here, have some flowers to cheer you up 💐🌸🌻
Yeah, that’s an entirely valid option. However, 15 €/month is a bit difficult to justify, given the quality I would get in return. The family plan might make more sense though.
Oooh, free insults. Yes please.
Are you able to block YT ads on Safari + AdGuard? That’s the combo I have, and it did work for a while, but nowadays, all YT videos stop at the 1 min mark. Seems like YT is beginning to block people who use ad blockers.
Also, the HRV graph is something that watch can’t provide. Some other watches do measure HRV, but you only get a daily average, so you can’t really draw any conclusions about the shape of the graph.
Why does anyone do anything. Sheer absolute boredom.
Can confirm. If you wish to listen to something while in the train/subway or in some other noisy environments, such as a bus stop right next to a busy road, ANC really helps a lot. Obviously, it’s no replacement for proper hearing protection, but instead of cranking up the volume through the roof, you can listen to things at a very reasonable volume despite the noisy environment.
And Siri will immediately call the local exterminator…
Better call my local roach doctor then…
Those are pretty familiar experiences. Especially the thing about sharing files and having access to specific applications.
A few years ago, I used to travel with my actual laptop (Lenovo Yoga) and it was great in many ways, even though there were drawbacks too. It’s a linux computer, so it runs all the apps I really need and the rest works through a website. The battery life isn’t great, and the computer is big and heavy, but at least it’s an actual computer and it’s able to do all the things I want from a computer. Gnome is nice in many ways, and it’s also pretty cool with a touch screen. Unfortunately, Firefox can’t handle touch screens that well and Gnome Web can’t handle websites that well. That’s why I rarely use that laptop in the tablet mode, so the yoga feature ends up being little more than eye candy.
A few years ago, I tried to use an older iPad, and it worked out surprisingly well while traveling. A few months later I upgraded to another used iPad, but this time it was the pro model and I even got a keyboard for it. Now, this is my first 12” iPad pro, and it really feels a lot like a computer.
Obviously, you can’t do all the real computer stuff with it, but while traveling I rarely need to. Mostly, I’m just browsing Lemmy, watching videos, typing messages, and doing simple calculations on Apple Numbers. Moderately complex calculations still require LibreOffice Calc, because Apple Numbers is pretty feeble.
When I’m docking my space ship in 3rd person view I really wish I had a better idea of how close I really am. A 2D display just doesn’t do a good job no matter how many pixels and fps I have. It’s not a 3 k€ problem, but a problem nonetheless.
As opposed to the practices of which company?
Giving only a few years of support is not a great practice, but that’s the world we live in. If we had fully open source phones, then the community could provide the updates for much longer, but there’s still a pretty long way to go in that regard.
And that’s why you need to figure out what’s the right balance of work and inconvenience vs. the amount of privacy you get in return. Setting up a degoogled android is possible and relatively easy too. Living with that phone and interacting with the real world around you in 2024 is a completely different matter, and it’s entirely understandable if that isn’t your cup of tea.
Really? I should totally give it a go some time. Sounds like the ideal life hack for me.
Oh yeah. It takes courage to be the last company to implement something. Like, always-on display, widgets, app library etc. Still waiting for that under-display fingerprint sensor. It seems like Apple prefers to wait 2-5 years before adding an industry standard feature.