Gentle nerd freak of the pacific northwest. All nation states are vermin.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2024


  • state is, ideally, composed of elected representatives

    oligarch-led private armies oppressing people.

    They’re the same picture.

    Elections are a venue for competiting oligarchs - US elections are largely just a wealth check - with the bonus that afterwards people feel they’ve chosen their oligarchs and are less likely to notice that 90%+ of elected representatives only represent the interest of elites.

    I do the same thing at work when I need mentally ill people to do what I say. “You can do what I want version A, or do what I want version B, which one?” always works better than “Do what I want!”

    I agree that violence management is a very difficult problem with no easy solution. But I don’t think giving full control of legitimate violence to the rich is the best solution, which is what a state of elected representatives does.

  • I always presumed Yoda’s native language was an Object Subject Verb (OSV) language, or used OSV for emphasis. It’s common for 2nd language speakers to occasionally slip into native language grammar - such as Chinese speakers omitting the/a.

    Yoda can correctly use SVO in English (Galactic Common iirc?), just not all the time. Again suggesting a proficient non-native speaker. For example: ”Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

    Yaddle doesn’t speak like Yoda, indicating either better fluency or an SVO native language - not all the species need speak the same native language.

  • Remember when Silvio Berlusconi lied, cheated, raped and stole his way through public life, gaining wealth and fame, dying at the ripe age of 86 without facing justice and after having set the stage for even more extreme fascists to take over?

    History shows that often, very often, the baddies just win.

  • Don’t vote “for/against whoever”. Vote against trump like an adult - that means voting democrat.

    Sure, picking between two options that you don’t want is legitimately hard for human brains to do. But republicans have promised and begun to brutalize minorities at ever larger scales, and are objectively worse than democrats on everything that matters.

    Handing the reins of state power to fascists has never improved life for leftists or humanity.

  • “Edomite!”

    I was getting onto a bus, someone looked me over and spat out the word. It was clear from the tone that it was an insult, but it also sounded suspiciously bronze age, so I was very excited to find out what it meant.

    Turns out it’s a biblical reference used by some black nationalist groups in the US to refer to white people as unclean or diseased. Edom was one of several late bronze age Canaanite kingdoms. At one point the torah describes them as slightly paler and dirty, hence the insult.