Same thing could work with a support the police sticker.
Same thing could work with a support the police sticker.
I saw “Fuck ICE” written on a bathroom stall recently. I smiled.
My understanding is that both are more or less just arch, except that Manjaro holds back update on some packages and breaks stuff.
Seeding is worse legally.
I feel like their is more common. I do deliberately say its for companies because companies aren’t people and don’t deserve people pronouns. Countries seem more like a collection of people, so I use their.
If someone knows more about grammar feel free to correct me.
From what I’ve heard it’s someone who really doesn’t know what they’re doing making it, and it has a ton of obvious security issues that the dev refuses to acknowledge. It really isn’t something that people should actually use.
I take the approach of settling into a distro then getting bored and messing with stuff I shouldn’t (at least on a daily driver) and reinstalling out of necessity, sometimes changing distros as well.
The comments didn’t seem bad to me. Some people were complaining about an HP laptop’s power efficiency, but the framework’s is fine. Also, the intel ones have noisier fans, but the amd is perfectly quiet in daily use. I have two real complaints with mine: while the power draw is low in use, it uses idle sleep, so it doesn’t last that long asleep (longer than awake, so a few days to a week). You can of course power it off for longer term stuff, and boot times aren’t bad so that really isn’t a huge issue for me. The other one was a bit of a pain until I found the solution. All of the integrated amd GPUs from that gen have a problem on linux where they randomly get buggy and the whole ui drops to like 2 fps. It is resolved with a kernel parameter (sounds complicated but takes 5 min and a reboot. I will edit this with the steps when I get to my laptop). The frameworks generally improve over time. I wouldn’t get a 16 yet, but my brother and I both got 13 amds several months ago and are very happy with them.
Edit: Nearly forgot, it came with an “AMD” (mediatek) wifi card. I replaced it with an ax210 as soon as I got it and would recommend you do the same. Amd requires laptop manufacturers to put the amd card in but it kinda sucks IMO.
In fact, he’s not getting a dime. YouTube doesn’t pay until you have 1000 subs, so you are arguing that everyone should watch the video to support google.
Eidt: source
Considering my boot drive just died, backups. Also wanna get a fractal node 804 and cram tons of HDDs in it. Probably a new build with ecc as well. Perhaps transitioning current server to backup server. Also my directory structure for media is a jumbled mess of incomprehensible nonsense. I should fix that. Also I lost all my torrents that I was uploading but still have the media but can’t keep seeding after the drive failure.
Yes, although if you take it from your own streaming or something there may be watermarks to identify you. If you just repost from clearweb torrents you’ll be fine.
Yeah, that’s a kde thing, so I doubt it would be very different than neon.
I’m quite happy with Fedora. It has kde support, many apps (especially with rpmfusion), and is quite stable because it is still a 6 month ish major release schedule. Wobbly windows, kde connect, and krunnuer will definitely work. Good customization is subjective, and honestly I consider c/unixporn to be weird but cool wizardry, but I’m happy with it. One thing to consider is if you have a newer amd CPU with an iGPU being used it will get slow and crash every now and then (few months). It’s a bug in the linux kernel starting around 6.10.
I typically just copy the title into google with quotes around it. Can also add filetype:pdf.
Edit: Didn’t see title, leaving up anyway.
I misread that and thought Wayland went in a very different direction for a second.
I just use chromium when needed. Not ideal but usually works in place of chrome.
I might do that just to force myself to organize and move files out of downloads.