Trump said he doesn’t give a shit about that war. Just glass the area and be done with it.
Trump said he doesn’t give a shit about that war. Just glass the area and be done with it.
Oh thats fine. We’ll have a make up presentation on thursday, i’ll schedule you for that one.
Like bro, i’m almost sure the professor will post the pp online. You dont have to copy the presentation… take shorthand notes…
Correct! He sued his way into being called a founder.
I cant say I know what this shithead has contributed to society if anything but a place for toXicity to grow.
The kenobi series broke the lore. So basically, it doesn’t exist in Star Wars canon.
Leia gets kidnapped and Kenobi, her father a public figure doesnt make it known, and then Kenobi instantly comes to her rescue. Cool… Leai has ties to Kenobi. Surely Darth Vader wont persue that to kill Kenobi again or explore that further…
He was well washed out before the slap.
Creating new characters is just sooo hard in an entire universe. /s
I wouldnt mind a cocaine fueled acid trip in a space scifi again.
Andor was great because disney didnt oversee the production. The Gilroy bros were allowed to just make. They filmed in real locations. Had actual characters with personalities. The bad guys seemed like a threat and not just bland targets.
When disney oversees production the entire set is CGI (“the volume”). All the characters are very bland and vanilla to appeal to the most amount of people. Antagonist are narrow and usually a joke in terms of a threat.
I haven’t really looked into this series and how much disney is forcing the hand of the director.
Pineapple on pizza is just people with different tastes. Everyone has their favorite foods and what they dont like…
Guessing not the replicators from sg1.
That movie is tainted by Kevin Spacey playing the VA for the robot.
Is that moonmoon?
Dont touch the trim! Squidbillies
Remember. The monsters can only get you if you have a limb hanging off the bed.
sigh Naquadah!
One of the major rules with guns. Identify your target. Identify things behind your target…
His story arc was kinda the most interesting out of all the BS of ahsoka. Fallen jedi (i wouldnt even call sith) acting as a mercenary because of a calling in the force. The same thing calling him, scaring the nightsisters away.
It sure will teach them never to be a nintendo fan again.