I’m not sure what you’re trying to say in response to what I said.
I’m not denying that Musk lies.
I’m saying calling money from government contracts for NASA and the likes subsidies is not correct. Unless my definition of subsidies isn’t right and needs expanding.
If that’s the case, which I suspect it is, we look really fucking dumb being so hyperbolic(or what would the word be here? I just woke up). Let’s not stoop to their level with nonsense like this, there are plenty of legitimate criticisms to be made.
Such a good movie. I should watch it again soon.
Great idea. I just wonder how Flohmarkt is read by non-Germans. Anyone want to state their opinion, their initial experience seeing the word, on that?
I tried to switch, because it is really nice. But coming from sync, how having to swipe back to the main feed from a post made me look elsewhere. You have to start your swipe at the far left of the screen, vs just swiping anywhere.
Yeah, haha
Actually, I forgot I did get it to work, I just can’t figure out how to use it. Lol
And can’t find a guide either.
One wiggly finger or two?
I haven’t been able to get dual finger swiping to work on my heliboard.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Sorry, I meant the one with Peter Dinklage lol
Which movie is being referenced?
Can you elaborate what you mean by cold takes and why that’s something you wish more of?
Which song by which artist did you link? I don’t have yt music.
Who are the bottom two people on the left side?
Always good to have another tool in the toolkit. Thanks for that!
Thanks for your response! That did work, tyvm. But I was hoping to get a archive.org link, as that’s what I’ve used for all my other sources. I’m sure archive.is works good and will for some time. I guess I just want to go with the #1 name in the game if you know what I mean. ^^" I don’t understand what the problem is with the wayback machine with this link. Maybe because its paywalled.
I’d only use windows for gaming really, wouldn’t running it in a VM be less optimal in that vase? In terms of performance of windows and playing fames within the VM.
Thanks for your input!
Does having Linux and Windows on seperate drives mitigate this issue somewhat?
Wanting to start dual booting and moving to windows. Wondering if that helps at all.
Edit: I meant moving to Linux… >.>
That game was so great