How about some pre-transhuman solarpunk? I recommend my favorite book, Walkaway by Cory Doctorow. It’s about the birth pangs of a post scarcity society. Absolutely brilliant.
How about some pre-transhuman solarpunk? I recommend my favorite book, Walkaway by Cory Doctorow. It’s about the birth pangs of a post scarcity society. Absolutely brilliant.
In JavaScript it would be February 2.
Oh man, I’m jonesing for some coffee, any coffee.
Eyes civet shit
Yeah, fuckit…
I thought I was the only one who’s seen Scavenger’s Reign. I haven’t heard much talk about it. Damn shame because it’s amazing.
Six more months until season 2. Counting down the days.
Scavengers Reign. If you like The Expanse, you might be into sci-fi animated with a seriously weird style. And it’s one season with the story tied up in a bow at the end.
I played a lot of Elite Dangerous until I realized there was not much to do besides “do the profitable thing over and over before it gets nerfed.” And by the time Squadrons came out, I also ran out of fucks to give.
The only game I really liked in VR was Euro Truck Simulator 2 which wasn’t even a VR game.
HTC Vive. Not necessarily this specific tech itself, but VR gaming more broadly. My friend and I were ginning ourselves up for years before it came out. I dropped a lot of money on a gaming rig for it. And when I put the googles on… I fucking hated it. I didn’t like standing and gaming. I didn’t like being so isolated from everyone else in the house. And the games were glorified tech demos slapped together with unity assets. By the time Half Life Alex came out, I had no more fucks to give.
The porn was fun though.
That’s my guess.
Use your words. Tell her you don’t want to and why.
Emotional reward.
So… what’s the second rule of talking to Fox News?
That tree looks like the stranger on the street who offers to babysit your daughters for free.
You’re right. Guess I’ve got Covid on the brain.
Fun fact: Orson Well’s last role was Omicron, the planet sized transformer in Transformers the Movie. Since he was a method actor, he ate so many peeps he became the size of a planet.
Cory Doctorow and I suggest reading Walkaway. I found it transformative.
It’s a matter of privilege. Trump had the opportunity to stack the courts in his favor. SBF didn’t. The rich rally around Trump because they see him as one of their own. SBF was an interloper. Trump has a rabid fan base willing to commit violence in his name. SBF cloaked himself in effective altruism.
If they both don’t rot in jail, then the myth of the social contract in the US will be torn to shreds. I fear what would happen after that.
Lemmy is home.
The first step for me was recognizing that procrastinating created more work for me in the future. Also, having those swords of Damocles hanging over my head robbed me of my mental health.