Thanks! So did she. The derailleur cables were both supposed to be red. I was showing one of the neighbor kids how to work on bikes, and he cut the front housing too short. No biggie since I had lots of black housing.
Thanks! So did she. The derailleur cables were both supposed to be red. I was showing one of the neighbor kids how to work on bikes, and he cut the front housing too short. No biggie since I had lots of black housing.
Thanks. And now all I can hear is “BRUSH brush ~brush brush~ FLOSS floss ~floss floss~.”
Cornichons? If so, yeah, those are my favorite. All other sweet pickles (by themselves) are an abomination.
But where is “Damn, I just suck at this game?” You know how some people are utterly amazing at games? That’s not me. At all.
Yes, it’s duct tape.
The Force is strong with this bike.
With studded fat tires and mid-drive, no need to wish away the time, even if it is winter! 😁
Pssh… call me when they’re dipping in McD Szechuan sauce. That’s the real sign of intelligence.
My misguided, ignorant younger self would absolutely assume self-blame.
Now I’ve got engineering powers and skillz! I can rationalize… errrr, I mean EXPLAIN my missteps with root cause analyses and preventative actions! 😆
Wow, yeah, it sounds like they shit in their own lunchbox. I’m always disappointed, but never surprised, to see the arc of a business move in the direction you describe. It’s like they never learn about the death spiral of taking away the features that made them great.
I never got into SoundCloud, so I’m categorically ignorant here. What made it good in the first place and how/why does it suck now? Thanks.
“Ask your doctor about tacos.”
I heard this so much in my “misguided liberal” youth. Now I’m in my 50s, and I have learned so much, seen so much, and can confidently be sure of*** even less than that of which I was sure in my teens and 20s***!
All of the people who told me “you’ll understand when you’re older” were full of shit. Some of them are still alive and one thing that I understand for sure: they stopped learning, stopped paying attention, and they are confidently incorrect about things that stopped being true during the first and second Reagan administrations.
Here’s a great example: my damned Conservative, MAGA, kick-the-ladder-out-from-behind-her mother. “You should just stay with an employer, stop changing jobs, and they’ll give you a pension.” Uh, yeah Mom, pensions are no longer a thing. Also, job hopping is how we get meaningful salary increases.
Dude. STFU. Rogue River Blue is hard enough to get as it is. 😆
But seriously, QuantumStorm is absolutely correct that you need to taste this. My partner despises blue cheese, but she’ll kill a whole wedge of this by herself. It’s spendy, but worth every penny.
How did they miss “Jedi Master” in their list of qualifications?
You have it backwards here. Apple needs to support developers. They make it expensive and inconvenient to develop on their ecosystem. But until Apple releases their stranglehold, I would be just fine if I never have to use their shitty OS, development software, and tools ever again.
my M1 Max MacBook Pro could run Baldur’s Gate 3 at max graphics with no performance issues. On battery. Over extended periods
I’m a bit skeptical on this claim, or maybe we have different ideas of what “extended periods” mean. My M1 Max MBP would have just under two hours of run time with VS Code doing .NET Core dev. It was even worse when doing Ruby on Rails work. And that was when MBP was new. My whole team were issued these, and our experiences were the same. Zoom calls were even worse, with about 90 minutes of run time.
The ARM architecture has amazing battery life when idling, quite unlike x86. But when it gets spooled up, it eats angry pixies just the same as x86. All of my x86 laptops can do .NET Core work… for two hours.
Peeked in to see if this was here. Thank you, drive through.
Fake it til you make it!
Ya Kid K’s Congolese accent definitely has some of that marbles-in-the-mouth Staten Island sound. I was also surprised to learn she wasn’t from the Burroughs.
Fuck Konami
Sincere question: what did Konami do?
I see Robert Evans, I upvote. Really folks, Jobs was such a piece of shit that he got a 4-parter of coverage on Behind the Bastards. Highly suggested.
“On my own” inasmuch as anyone in society is independent. The longest part of any of these jobs is choosing and sourcing the components, even with the aid of Internet searches and online inventories. Locating everything took about a month.
But once I had all the components, it only took me about five hours. The bulk of that was cleaning up everything. And the actual labor time was only that long because I teaching the neighbor kid how to work on his bike.