maybe the joke is that most cockroaches die within a year but theyll still breed so idk
people just like having excuses to be assholes
not a big gamer but saw the civ 6 was discounted to 2 usd had to get it ofc and enjoying the single player life
yeah lmao hes probably there just to get paid lmao
stephen chow is so famous here in asia that i forget he makes b movies, was surprised to see a stephen chow movie here
i mostly like the layout, everything being collapsed unless you hover over it, but there prob some extension for it already
oof, gotta switch again
Thanks for all the help. ive read all the comments. i think my main problem is that im too strict on the games i play(purposely making it harder or just replaying the game if i forget a bit of the lore). this is a long term thing so i cant really give an update but this has got me feeling pretty confident
Hello, I am Godzilla. I have been informed that you have been using my name for your band without my permission. Please stop this immediately or I will get my lawyers involved. Love, Godzilla
its like how the idea of putting one number in front of another for a tens or hundreds figure seems so obvious but took forever to invent
tbh before i really cared about tech stuff i thought it was linux tech tips lmao
yeah but it sounds dumb so im never gonna say it correctly
its from a game or movie trailer if i remember correctly in 3 years
task managers creator added a function to kill the entire pc. but people reported it as a bug and someone else at Microsoft removed it
Harold Jenkins from umbrella academy?