ssb: @nBtlZZz7NaDmIOcXdNk2D94nyKhQUsl/gm+n4LfEVhE=.ed25519
It’s technically possible, but windows doesn’t give you as the user tools to do so. If you donÄt want windos to have the ability to do so you could use full system encryption like:
first just messing around with it, then starting selfhosting and then i started to dualboot just for fun, and one day i by mistake nuked my windows installation, so now i’m a full time linux user
okay, honestly: a dating app yes there are a couple foss ones, but basically no one uses them and their ux is horrible
you can do anything without ever using a desktop environment
okay basically so many things sooo much better, first of all i can change any part of software of the os for any other one i like. I can fix my installation no matter how broken it is as long as the filse system is still intact.
yunohost it’s basically an os that easily lets you selfhost, by having an extremely big amount of selfhosted services packaged with scripts that autonatically set everything up and all of that trough a clear and modern web interface.
wowwww, i think i just found the one note replacement i needed
definitely some alternative internet mesh routing standart, just imagine if every device with wifi or ethernet could just extend the network without relying on an isp, yeah they could still serve as a fast backbone, but they just wouldn’t be needed and no disaster could really ever disrupt the whole internet again
honestly: activity pub, matrix, xmpp, markdown and soo many more probably. All of these would be able to solve our walled gardens problem, but the apps with a basically monopoly don’t have much of an incentivw to implement them
yesss i love to find even more projects
the problem i see with nostr is that it implements a bunch of pro-cryptocurrency ideas: like paying to use relays for example and with all the sustainability issues regarding crypto and us wanting to create a better network, i would like to leave money out of it
yes, it and email are probably the two most widespread ones, i didn’t include it because it’s already pretty known
I’m kinda sad that theres almost no new work being made on top of it, seems even more promising than yggdrasil in some aspects
Interesting ones i didn’t know about^^
But it’s definitely possible to ship a virus embedded in a playable mkv file, but something else would have to extract it first, for it to do anything
if you really only played it and it didn’t abuse some zero day in vlc (extremely unlikely), the there’s basically zero chance you could have activated a virus.
I would suggest a baikal server: it’s made from.the ones making radicle and sabre, one of the kost used open source caldav/carddav servers. Yes it can sync calendars too