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I understand that this information is against your internal narrative, but a quick look at data for 2021 shows:
One in two women and one in five men felt unsafe walking alone after dark in a busy public place.
And data from 2022 shows 45% for the same measure.
As for harassment:
2022 - 55% of women 16-34 felt harassed
2021 - Three out of five, 60% felt harassed during the year.
Twice as many women reported being harassed as men, and several reported changing their behaviour because of harassment.
This is also echoed in international studies over multiple cultures. Women are much more often harassed than men, almost exclusively by men, and have more limited freedoms, expressions and rights than men.
This is not controversial, it is well established in study after study, there is an actual right answer to this, and it’s not the one you’re proposing.
How is it that you keep ignoring data when faced with it, and instead of presenting supportive data resort to arguing feelings and whataboutisms?
Edit: Link to 2022 raw data
From the study summary:
Three out of five women aged 16 to 34 years experienced at least one form of harassment in the previous 12 months
Three out of five is 60%.
Did… did you miss the #metoo movement?
Where like 60% of women get harassed regularly, and 50 % felt unsafe walking home in public, due to men. Or 79% of women felt unsafe while exercising, due to men. And 88% of travelling women felt unsafe, due to men.
Bears are hungry, scared, have cubs to protect, or mostly want to be left alone. They won’t stalk you, leer at you, catcall or grope you.
You sir, are the one lacking self reflection.
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Werewolves, vampires, baba yaga, fae, bean sidhe, vättar, tomtar, will o the wisp, trolls, Näcken, sylphs, undines, changelings, sirens, cyclops, gorgons, demon boars galore, and loads more local legends
Isn’t this basically the plot of young earth Christianity?
Yeah, and although greedy, maybe not enough to ruffle feathers over.