It’s just darpa controlling the weather bruh
It’s just darpa controlling the weather bruh
I’m Canadian, im just waiting to get fucking invaded for no reason.
I think it’s a Highlander scenario, there can only be one.
Mmmm Cora
Honestly not a bad way to go about it
I know it’s reddit but this is a good guide.
Beyond that DM me for indexer invites if you seriously go down this path. Happy to help with any technical questions as well!
As a GIS person all I can is …fuck yeah. I’m for better or worse deeply embedded in the ESRI world but I’ve started dabbling in FOSS GIS software and honestly it’s all damn good. I don’t understand how ESRI charges what they do. Also, FME is amazing if you haven’t tried it yet (not free or open source) but awesome for quick visual development and data ETL.
People who think the earth is flat. I work in geographic information systems.
At one point my main computer was a Thinkpad, I got so good at using this that I played total annihilation and mech warrior 5 solely with the nub.
Homie you are missing the point, no one is saying people didn’t have problems, what they are saying is in Relative AND absolute terms to now, things are both more expensive and people earn less.
We can look at statistics to prove this. Anecdotal evidence exists, but it doesn’t prove anything.
Relatively, it fucking was a breeze in terms of cost of living. Of course there were social, technological and other issues, no one disputes that.
You need to do some math here because I think you’re trying to put out a “gotcha” moment but the math stills sucks. Last I checked minimum wage is what, $7.50 or something in the US? So even at. $3.10 an hour minimum wage, that $25,000 house would have been a fucking steal, even at 13% interest rate, hell make it 20% if you want. Cars were cheaper then too.
Sigh…Antiflag. as a band that stood so strongly for pro-feminism, anti-racism, anti-corporate, just progressive politics to the max, having that news come out about Justin Sane being a complete fucking creep really shatters the music and the message.
Screw that, I’ll listen to Nofx until I die.
Main advantage is typically less DCMA take downs. The public ones are public access and therefore the bots crawl those and submit the takedowns faster than on a private indexer.
Just a cheap Usenet provider. They’re cheap for what the provide but in my opinion on par with the more expensive “premium” providers.
DM me if you want invites to private indexers. They are paid but cheap. I also recommend frugal Usenet because…well…I’m cheap.
This has been my go to combined with a Usenet subscription.
Teksavvy is fantastic