There ain’t no doctor that can cure my disease
I need Bad, BAD medicine
There ain’t no doctor that can cure my disease
I need Bad, BAD medicine
Hate the player ✅️
Hate the game ✅️
Except they’re wrong! Bread especially the white bread they seem to be touting in this ad, is not only empty calories devoid of nutrients, it’s inflammatory and contributes to brain fog, joint pain, muscle pain, depression, and yes weight gain.
They’ve got it ALL wrong.
That is a great shot. I want someone to photoshop out the road sign and the power lines overhead.
I understand being exhausted to the bone but You’re 20 feet tall?
Oh no. Is this the fate of everyone who had the misfortune of reading that?
Unidentifiable mass of play-doh riding a skateboard?
When I was in high school I took a drama class and I did the same thing. Does that make me a household name too?
Why would they stay after they’ve eaten all of the thing?
No problem then. The ants will clean it up 😄
And painful 🍆🔪
Damn she is too picky
Maybe you should’ve waited a week or two to serve those to her again, maybe twice in one day was too much for her pickiness
Okay but the question was: did you purchase it?
Downvoting because you’re one of them and you chose to earn a living doing something that you & everyone else despises.
Hey this is the fediverse. Ion is an atomic particle.
He’s wearing tough leather gloves
Those cake pops are terrified of that cookie
I find it further humorous that their word for fan was basically ventilator so it was translated as “Lana Del Rey standing in front of a ventilator”
Transphobes? Did she literally have dick and balls?