Not knowing anything about French, this was my assumption and reasoning.
Not knowing anything about French, this was my assumption and reasoning.
Step 1) Be Attractive.
Step 2) Don’t be Unattractive.
(Attractiveness is subjective)
The analogy I always liked was:
Success is like a carnival dart game.
If you’re poor you probably don’t even get a chance to play. Maybe once with some help from friends and family. But even then, the odds are still not good.
If you’re middle class you can afford a throw or two, significantly increasing the odds of success.
If you’re rich you can afford to throw as many darts as you want until you succeed.
Is CyberNews’ data checker safe? Or is entering an email just confirming a valid email address to the breachers?
Also in one of the the newer films two grunts are walking around on patrol. They hear Kylo Renn having a hissy fit, turn around and walk the other way.
Life, uh, finds a way.
God gaveen a brain and a dick, but only enough blood to use one at a time.