Lots of people seem to be reporting permabans for comments involving Israel
Lots of people seem to be reporting permabans for comments involving Israel
I got banned for criticising Israel too
Yeah, if the irritant is capsaicin I would think that milk would wash it off sensitive tissue more effectively than water as capsaicin is more lipid soluble than water soluble. I think if you eat a spicy chili, to stop the pain you need to wash the irritant off your tongue and milk does this more effectively than water.
It was quite a cool ending to be fair
All the terminators after 2
Yeah more or less
To be honest, the oil of a snake is probably pretty nutritious and would surely correct certain deficiencies
Hahah that’s such a redditism, thinking fgm is terrible but mgm is just fine. Brainwashed
It’s despicable how they’ve tried to shut down criticism of Israel’s mass murder by dishing out permabans