Dr Michael Mosley
They are bad traditional English food
This is what baffles me as well. Online game I can understand… but offline single player…???
Also, why in the 21st century does Sony not expand PSN world wide, and why is it only available in a handful of countries
.bkp_YYYYMMDD for me
At least it should be paid off by now
So this is how Hollywood aliens see earth
As other people have said we cannot for of they do our do not exist.
That said thinking about how big the universe is, my personal opinion is they have to exist.
As for governments covering them up… highly unlikely. They can’t even cover up their dirty laundry, let alone aliens
She doesn’t have a family tree, she has a family wreath
Jeez, mark that NSFW please
Damn, Populous was my go to game back in the day. So much fun
Are steam library’s also shared? My wife shares her steam library with me on PC, would that still be accessible?
As a fellow PS5 owner, and someone who would like to game on the go, the Steam deck interests me, especially as Sony refuses to release a proper handheld, but I’m finding it hard to pull the trigger on it, as the majority of my game catalogue is on PS5, and what games I have on PC are mostly not on steam platform. I have some games that are on steam that could be played on the go, but what is the Internet connectivity requirement like?
Was it the Lord of the rings dwarf game?
A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus.
If you start to think about how these lengths of time are defined it becomes clearer.
1 day = time to rotate on it’s axis once 1 year = time to complete a full rotation around the sun
For Earth, it takes us ~24hrs to rotate on our axis and 365.25 days to orbit the sun.
However, because Venus’ axial rotation is so slow (and another interesting fact, it rotates in the opposite direction to other planets) it actually completes a full orbit of the sun before 1 axial rotation.
Hence, a year is shorter than a day
For those interested:
1 Venus day = 243 earth days 1 Venus year = 225 earth days
Only valid for the American political.
All my friends here in Europe, up to and including centre right, are the far left wojak in this meme