When they’re done right and there’s no complications, those only hurt when they’re put in and taken out … which for a snorkeling demon is going to be a lot more frequent than a coil
(coils do work really well for a lot of women)
When they’re done right and there’s no complications, those only hurt when they’re put in and taken out … which for a snorkeling demon is going to be a lot more frequent than a coil
(coils do work really well for a lot of women)
Those horns would be super painful and possibly unsanitary. Girl should go find herself a more aerodynamic demon
Ok then, you don’t think wanking someone off in from of kids isn’t a bit more than “icky”?
You don’t thing wanking people off in front of kids is a wee bit more than “problematic”?
Yeah, they work for most people … the horror stories often come along like those in any form of women’s health - lack of proper knowledge, and not believing women when they say they’re in pain results in bad outcomes.
The number of gynos who don’t know how to properly insert and remove them is worrying.