This is making me feel so old. It reads like you’re using historical documents to learn what people did before phones
This is making me feel so old. It reads like you’re using historical documents to learn what people did before phones
AKA that Simpsons Halloween episode
Probably because Marxism is an inherently flawed political system, and every country that has ever attempted it has quickly become a hellhole.
The iconic Tiananmen square “Tank man” photo, where one guy stands in front of a column of tanks on their way to slaughter pro-democracy protesters, briefly stopping them. Tankies are lunatics that wish for authoritarian communism and so unironically support the tanks running him over.
Depends on how you pronounce shire. Americans tend to pronounce it like the hobbit place when it’s more like “shuh”.
The language is called English, not Obesitese
Rarely happens though because who the fuck uses Linux?
Sounds like your hardware is fucked more than anything
Only half infinite unfortunately
I only save scummed the Gwent tournament as it’s a one-shot type deal. The rest of the game there was no need as it autosaves frequently and there is basically no consequences to losing a game of Gwent to a rando
Boy that’s a lot of work just to play some old crap from more than 30 years ago
“Israeli Jews are white” - Lmfao I can’t believe that people still believe that old racist trope
Hmm which state is apartheid again? The one that is 20% Arab where they have full rights… Or the one that is 100% Arab where anyone who is not like them is killed with extreme prejudice?
No one is stopping them from forming their own state on their own land. In fact most of the world supports it. But they choose not to because they want the entire land that Israel is on despite not having the rights or the means to obtain it.
It’s impossible to remove the state of Israel without evicting / killing it’s Jewish population. They are surrounded by entire states that base their culture on wanting to kill as many Jews as possible. What do you think would happen if the entire land suddenly became Palestine and they weren’t permitted to protect themselves anymore?
I always get to the part with nuclear power, then I take a look at the space elevator objective recipes, realise I need to multiply my factory size by about 20 and just nope out
Oops you’ve picked the wrong audience posting that on Lemmy!
I’ve used a hand plane to flatten out a cutting board as a complete amateur. It works surprisingly well but something larger like a tabletop would take a long time
Hard disagree there. I’ve visited both and tried both. NYC pizza is disappointingly average.
What about a pal boomerang? The retrieval would make more sense too.