Oh I may have misread the comment, apologies
Oh I may have misread the comment, apologies
Warframe works fine on linux, just saying
FFXIV works really well on console and that’s a full MMO
This game is great. Feels kinda like Half Life with the fast paced combat of Doom. The exploration is just as good as the gun play and some of the solutions to secrets feel so clever
XIV’s story is insanely good though but I guess we’re not counting DLCs here (although the first 2 expansions are free now)
If I were on the fence before this thread, I’d probably be leaning a bit closer to the bear right now
I got Helldivers to work by making it open in windowed mode rather than full screen, then making it full screen once it opened. Seems to be a common issue with it. someone on protonDB mentioned it iirc.
Rider has just been better in every way imo. I haven’t touched VS in years.
It does cost but you also get a permanent licence for the version you paid for so you can pay for a year and keep that version.
Basically every game runs fine on Linux, just not those games with strict anti cheat.