Yes! Sorry, for some reason I thought the alt text would display below the picture. They are flint fire strikers. The big silver bit is magnesium that can be scraped off with the tied on steel striker piece and then you can light just about anything on fire with that by striking the flint, which is the smaller black cylinder.
Not quite that bad lol
I threw a maple spline into it but I might still do as you suggest lol
That sheen don’t just happen, looks great OP!
Thank you!
The lighter wood is walnut sapwood, often called blonde walnut. I also love the color.
Lol I’ve heard that before but I always try to encourage people to use them anyway. Things of beauty still yearn for purpose afterall.
Absolutely stunning work!
My only nit-pick of this gorgeous creation is the grain orientation of the bottom stretcher being horizontal instead of vertical.
Truly inspiring work! And despite your previous setbacks with this project that smile doesn’t look like it’s going to leave your face anytime soon lol I will have to give this technique a try sometime.
Just don’t let the witch get a lock of your hair or you might have to start making statues for her all the time lol
They look great! Thanks for sharing.
Life is all about perspective, friend. Thanks for sharing yours.
I really appreciate you taking the time to come back and make sure I wasn’t discouraged by the feedback that I received. I’m not discouraged in the slightest, if anything I agree with most of what has been said. I didn’t intend to go into the design choices behind this board at all but originally it was just going to be the groovy walnut and oak board with Padauk separating them. However this piece was meant to speak to one person, as you say, and the Osage Orange became the crux of the design, despite being my most limited material on hand.
The clients dad passed away a few months ago and he apparently made knives while he was alive and had some short logs of Osage Orange he intended to use for that purpose. Well time comes for us all and since I didn’t have a good relationship with my bio dad I made an extra effort to make this board special for the client who was close to his dad. The longest straight piece I could get was about 12 inches which isn’t long enough for a cutting board, hence the stopped cuts terminating in a Padauk plug. When viewed horizontally the Osage accents look like a timeline with overlap, hopefully conveying a sense of “carry on” to the client. If I had my druthers I’d have had longer pieces of Osage and use those instead of the Padauk to separate the main boards.
Thanks again for the feedback! I will post more soon, I really appreciate the feedback. And it’s the critical feedback that helps the most.
By hand? Hell no, I use power tools lol. Appreciate ya!
I can dig it, thanks for your feedback!
Unfortunately it no longer has the chrome OS and is running OpenSUSE Tumbleweed instead but I was able to get a design cut using my phone today. My old tablet refused to connect to the cutter, I think it might be too old.
Thanks so much! I think they plan to use it as a cutting board.
Appreciate ya!
Thank you, I try.