I think he sould have included Chromite. Regularly updated and a fork of the abandoned Bromite, which was a privacy-centric project. I still use Firefox, but also use Chromite.
I think he sould have included Chromite. Regularly updated and a fork of the abandoned Bromite, which was a privacy-centric project. I still use Firefox, but also use Chromite.
Perhaps he heard the same thing I did - Bethesda announced a soon to be released refresh of the game.
That’s because they are the prize. /s
You exist for their needs. This is why they have “standards” that fill multiple pages, but you are misogynist if you have even one standard they don’t meet.
For OsmAnd+, there is another option for addresses. OpenSuperMaps joins national address registries with openstreetmaps. For American maps, it enables OsmAnd to make sense of American style address searches.
It is phenomenal.
Really? What about everything your employer shares about you? Whatvavout the faxt they litterally monitor everything you do?
Zero control, and sure don’t do anything non-work, but since you give at least 8 hours per day to work, they collect all sorts of metadata, like when you’re most productive when you eat, how you interact with people, personality quirks, facial scans, home address, ssn, bank account, phone number, 401k investments… Everything, basically.
Some things one has to be willing to forgo. I grew up before all this crap happened, so i just never let it infiltrate my world too much.
Still, it comes at a cost that increasingly includes Social isolation. Very few give a rats ass about privacy. They’re blissfully clueless and don’t see the point of doing all the extra work. After all they 'have nothing to hide". (Aren’t they adorable?).
Come to grips with the fact most people are both stupid, and sheep. Seek the ones who have some clue of what is going on not just around them, but in the rest of the world.
You can set KeePassDX to use a pin for quick unlock. It does not have the remote access feature, but i use Synology Drive to keep the file synchronized, and it does a decent job of autopopularing fields.
Well, i can vouch that many small businesses and non-profits do here in the U.S. of A., and sometimes community announcements or events are on Facebook. I’ve never had an account, so i have missed many events that i know about, and probably thousands that i don’t.
It’s hellish and socially isolating. Thankfully, there are other resources, but they seem woefully inadequate at times. NextDoor at least seems to be a reasonable town bulletin board but it is very noisy.
I don’t knowvwhat mtls is, but Joplin has mostvof what you want. It does not have card layout native, but there might be a plugin for that.
For me, a C# developer by trade, this is easily solved with a one command C# call. It’s possible you already have dotnet 6 or 8 on your distro as there are many C# Linux apps now.
I have a serious question for you. If a man is looking for a woman on a dating site, why would he post a bunch of pictures with women? I mean, it seems like it would raise more issues.
Do you want to see other women in his pictures to show that he is dateable? Maybe you want to compare yourself to his past relationships? As a man, I would not post pictures of me with women when I’m looking for a woman. The whole point is to highlight me and my eligibility, not raise questions of whether I’m a womanizer looking for my next conquest.
Then again, maybe that’s what you’re looking for? Someone who’s cool, and has lots of women hanging around him? I don’t know.
However, I do agree that if all he has on the profile is fishing, he’s probably not doing much else. I’d include a whole lot more stuff.
Funny thing is, what you say you seek is what I used to seek, but somehow I always ended up broke and overworked when i was with women. Maybe you’re one of the good ones I never found. Oh, well.
As someone who does not use dating apps, it seems to me that a lot of men who are not city dwellers get lots of joy out of fishing. It seems rather insulting to demean someone for showing one of their favorite activities to potential mates. To those who would do that, I would ask why not simply move on quietly?
Now that I think of it, those men are dodging bullets like Neo. Smart guys. If I ever decide to put myself out there, I’m putting up pictures of myself at a campground with a fishing rod and bicycle in the background. That should weed out any women who expect four star resorts, expensive restaurants, and expensive toys for their mere presence.
I gave up after my second divorce, I hope you have better luck. Beware, most seem to be looking for free everything with no work for them.
You use a VPN, right?
It’s perfect conditioning to accept authoritarian rule, and constant surveillance as normal.
Yeah, professional disinformation disseminators are relentless. A takedown of certain nationstates will be required to stop them.
I ser by some of the comments here that the some of the reddit trolls found Lemmy.
That was too quick for my comfort.
Insects as food, while something that is being encouraged, is not a conspiracy. If we continue to decimate our planet, it might become necessary to survive, though .
I went with ProtonMail because it is based in a non-five eyes country… Plus it was launched by CERN scientists - major geek coolness factor. Recently upgraded to the basic paid tier.
Okay, fella - take a few breaths and relax. People are products of their times. The better ones fight for virtues and values they see as better at the time. They see an opportunity others do not and rally people around those.
Others they don’t see and continue wi5h those norms, or they see the wrongs but don’t believe they can rally people around fixing them.
Do not demonize people in the past who do not meet current norms. There will never be anybody who will meet those standards.
Judge them against the standards of their peers.
What if MLK did not support feminists? Would he now be considered scum, thus negating everything good he ever did?
Heck, i don’t know if he had a stance on women’s rights explicitly. Maybe he didn’t. Is he evil if he didn’t?