Because they are surprisingly comfortable, I actually wear them all the time in the house.
Because they are surprisingly comfortable, I actually wear them all the time in the house.
The point is, they are there of their own free will. They want to be lied to. They want to use it to justify their inherent hatred. They are not good people who have been seduced by evil. They are evil. Maybe not all of them but most. You can’t talk with them, you can not convert them back to good.
Or maybe i’m just bitter and frustrated, who knows.
Division is created by choice. The left saw the same news, read the same lies and heard the same bullshit, but we did not became hateful and ignorant racist and mysoginist. The right isn’t the right because the billionaire pushed them that way; they choose to be like that and used the billionairs lies as reason for it. They became that way because they wanted to be that way.
We tried for decades to work with them to make the world a better place for everybody. They don’t give a shit. So why should we?
Fuck them and fuck the billionaires. The left is big enough to kill them both. We just have to do it. Cut the cancer out!
I would also have a look at the XDA forum. A very large percentage of devices that are not officially supported have unofficial ports (Lineage and others) that run 99% as well as the official ones.
e.g. my old Galaxy S8 was not official supported but one of the staff members of XDA made a port that runs like an absolute dream. was PayPal before it got renamed and then the donain was unused until the twitter fiasko.
To be honest, I hope they never do it. Because at this point it is absolutely impossible that it can live up to the hype. It will be a disappointment no matter what.
They can do other games in that universe though. They will work. I actually believe they will work better without HL3 existing.
Most webservers run Ubuntu and it is the default OS for the overwhelming amount of cloud providers. Some run Debian though. Most enterprise applications run Red Hat or CentOS.
I never heard of OmniOS. Quick search says it is a distant descendant of OpenSolaris.
Given how rare that was already used back in its time and how practically nullexistent the community is for it (compared to Linux) I can say with high confidence the users are limited to a few enthusiasts and hobbyists.
Alpine is a special case and is indeed quite useful on VMs or IoT devices. I used it successful as base for a taped-together home automation server on a repurposed android phone.
No? Unix is not a thing anymore. There are some rare edgecases with some older systems still running a variant like AIX or HP-UX but that is below 1%.
80% of what we call “cloud” is Linux and ~65% of all Websites run on Linux. The rest is Windows and maybe 0.5% some variant of BSD.
That’s me with SNES emulators…
Why photon? alexandrite is insanely much better imho:
I got 150 hours out of it. That seems to be the sweet spot for a solo run before it becomes too repetitive. But of course there are also a few with thousands of hours. And if you play with friends you can get way more out of it i think. Imho it is definitive worth it.
afaik foobar2000 works flawless via wine. it is even in the AUR (if you are an Arch user):
What device exactly? e.g. i could update my Samsung NVMe firmware with nvme-cli without any problems.
Is VoLTE not supported by default on GOS?
Yes and no. e.g. see
Wi-Fi Calling, VoLTE, Visual Voicemail, MMS, SMS, Calling and 5G (SA and NSA) all are supported, however some functionality may not be usable due to Google not supporting carriers on the stock OS officially or due to GrapheneOS not shipping proprietary apps required in order for this functionality to work on some carriers.
Generally 5G, SMS, MMS, Calls and VoLTE will work fine on GrapheneOS with officially supported carriers by Google.
Some carriers may restrict functionality, such as VoLTE, on imported Pixel devices as they only whitelist the IMEI ranges of Pixel device SKUs which were sold locally.
VoLTE / VoWi-Fi works on GrapheneOS for most carriers unless they restrict it to carrier phones.
So… it depends
If your carrier is official supported by google, your carrier itself supports it and your device is not imported, it is likely to work.
My knowledge of Star Wars lore is extremely spotty, but I would guess through Palpatine, no? He seems like an “cheat death” expert.
I’m out of the loop. Why?
or are we dancer?
Shouldn’t any WiFi from the last decade be sufficient? 8k with H.265 only needs a good 100mbps. Even the 15 year old 802.11n should be able to do that. Anything more modern would not even break a sweat.
No civilization before us has ever caused such massive damage.
Aren’t Mastodon instances maintained by volunteers in their spare time? I can’t imagine how they manage to continue moderating it once there are ten thousand or millions of users on it. At least the moderators on Twitter were paid. It was their job. I think people massively underestimate how much work this is.