A perfect example of “give the people what they think they want, and they’ll make something entirely unusable.”
Just an old retired guy who’s still a leftist.
A perfect example of “give the people what they think they want, and they’ll make something entirely unusable.”
I’m not talking about a long-ago problem. I’m talking about a current install of Ubuntu.
I’m a very casual Linux user and in my experience, I’ve NEVER had a problem with a documented solution that didn’t require going down a rabbit hole of other references.
Something like this: “To get the trackpad to work with Ubuntu, make sure you’ve installed the hergelbergelXX package.” (No link, find it on your own!)
Visit the HergelBergelXX page. To install Hergelbergel on Ubuntu, you must install the framisPortistan Package Manager. (No link!)
On the FramisPortistan GitHub readme, we discover it requires the JUJU3 database system to be installed. “JUJU3 may cause conflicts with installed USB devices under Ubuntu” JUJU2, which shipped with Ubuntu, is no longer supported. Also we recommend Archie&Jughead Linux over other distributions.
And this essentially never stops.
All of this is comparatively a happy result—I actually DID post a question on linuxnoobs about getting my trackpad to work with Ubuntu… and have not had a single reply. I have no idea how to find out how to make it work.
I wish I could say this is great, but it’s an unreadable mess. Looks like EEDT.
I could have gone and made it fit
That woulda been ever so lit.
But the effort was much
And the payoff was such,
I just didn’t bother to try it.
You want to be a poet,
And sought a place to show it.
You picked a strange host
And thread for your post,
This URL would be more fit!
well… I’m not. 🍏
It’s mainly about no Nazis.
If I recall correctly, they straight up said that any program that supports their standard text presentation object will support rewrite.
How can anyone read any of this? The graphic is unreadable to me.
Really terrible idea to share iCloud accounts. That’s what family sharing is for.
Low engagement and tends towards geeky grumpy right wing old men. Or Germans.