VTC is a state owned enterprise…
VTC is a state owned enterprise…
The thing is that Steam doesn’t have a history of shutting down a significant fraction of games they have available by themselves. Hence people don’t criticize them.
Also you can (not saying that you should, I personally don’t trust Gabe) put some tust in a private owned company if you trust the owners.
In case of public companies they are forced by law and major shareholders into making shortsighted decisions and prioritizing profit only.
Why doesn’t the orange man have his own shape tho?
I would expect more from the most memable POTUS.
Ran rm -rf after copying filepath with a space. The directory up to the space did exist. Fortunately so did a backup.
Cleaned a secondary drive mounted at the same point without noticing I was on the wrong SSH terminal tab, at least twice.
Just strap the blade missile to some missile. Shoot it with a bow or something.
Going one step deeper, at the source, it’s oligarchy and companies owning the law and in consequence also its enforcement.
I, for once am excited. I didn’t buy Overwatch since I was deeply disappointed in Blizzard, after D3. Then the whole pandering to CCP and Blitzchung fiasco happened and that cemented my decision.
I didn’t play Valor ant since I don’t enjoy having a Chinese kernel level spyware on my PC.
So this may be something that can satisfy my itch.