Poppy Linux should do.
Music composer, game designer and cybermancer.
Poppy Linux should do.
Fruity Loops doesn’t have any easy equivalent on Linux. I’d say try reaper and ardour as they provide windows binaries. Be careful LMMS isn’t a FL clone, it’s midi only.
For the Arturia plugins you can install them with wine and use yabridge to make them compatible if they are not in vst compatible format (ardour can take vst2 and vst3 but sometimes it will not work). You can also have a dedicated PC for instruments (it is what I do) on windows (using audio gridder). Gotta test the Linux server version of audio gridder to see if I can go back to linux on m’y second PC. Or you can just send the midi notes to pc2 then get the audio out to pc1.
It’s doable to make proprietary plugins run on Linux but the reliability is the nightmarish part, as an update can break the wine compatibility and it can take a few mins/hours to restore.
It’s a real issue because, technical aspect aside, lots of instruments cost a lot of money and are necessary to keep up with the trend. Also theses plugins can save you a lot of time, meaning you can provide more music on short time (effect plugins are concern as well here).
Name, address, GPS localisation data, habits (like apps you often use, moments you use one device or another), gender, search terms in search engines, open web pages on a web browser, connection (other person you know), the work you do and where you work.
All kinds of things, really.
The usage is mostly advertising or identity theft.
As a professional music composer myself and working on Linux with Ardour, I’d say it is overall pretty good since many years. If you don’t like midi in Ardour you can use another soft to runs midi notes. On Linux the good thing is that if you don’t like something you can change, specially with audio softwares.
To me the two major issues with professional music on Linux are :
Proprietary plugins for virtual instruments are a nightmare (hard to make them to work, expensive on machine’s resources and unreliable),
Most company still think free software = unprofessional/amateur, which can make it harder to get jobs.
Debian/ubuntu got binaries in their repository.
So it could take some time to teach her.
It isn’t because he needs to be willing to teach in the first place. If a person don’t want to teach autonomy to another, the debate ends here.
But to know if you want to take the time to teach someone, you have to consider the possibility in the first place not thinking ‘impossible’ then move along.
Also we can debate on how to teach a family member without being overwhelmed, because it is a real topic of discussion.
She might want to, who knows?
She wants privacy, maybe she’s not afraid of learning new things to get it. It is possible.
Sad that people with the knowledge won’t even consider the great opportunity it is to teach that knowledge to a family member.
You should setup a yunohost server for her.
But you should be upfront about being a teacher for her not being a helper.
For the others in the topic, yes teaching people to be autonomous with the digital is a lot of work (and a lot of phone calls), but it’s also really rewarding for both you and “the student”.
I think it’s in Debian main repository so it should be fine :)
It won’t appears in many research because it’s a libre software. And libre softwares get almost no press coverage from medias, so no good SEO for search engines.
Indeed, see difference between libre software and open source software.
Well I’d say just use popular hastags related to your posts and reply to other people.
I’m on Mastodon since 2017 and it will build slowly as you will get much more favs than direct replies anyway.
Why would you want to be discovered?
Depending on the answer a lot of things can be done IMO.
Default is garbage for me interface wise (weird app menu/panel made for touchpad not desktop), so I prefer Lubuntu or Xubuntu.
Kubuntu is… Well it’s KDE.
On the DAW, the three are good, I use Ardour cause it’s a free software, but I’ve been told the other two are good, specially for people coming from ableton who want something close. Ardour is really a old-fashioned saw like pro-tools.
Check Librazik it’s a distro based on debian made for musicale production.
I’d say you don’t need a specific distro for what you want to do : a Debian or Arch with KDE could do the trick, but I would recommend to use a lighter desktop environment like Xfce. You may not like it coming from mac but it will preserve machine resources for your audio work.
Ardour runs pretty much on it’s own on any distro, you can still do some conf, I suggest to go to linuxmao.fr the website is mostly in French but have a lot of configuration documentation.
This audio interface will not be an issue as it’s plug and play on Linux since a while now.