Pi zero 2 runs my home automation smoothly and few of it’s sisters are in a desk drawer in case of equipment failure. It has quite enough oomph to run Home Assistant with zigbee hat.
Time to log couple hours on Ultima V (c=128) when I get home from work.
I presume from superb owl that you are from USA.
No. It was deemed legal and fair use as was recording radio on c-cassettes.
Considering digitizing, Web stores are full of usb capture dongles and rca/scart adapters.
Obs and Videolan are free and easy to use.
For editing, Openshot is free and quite easy to use.
All these are available on Windows, Linux and Mac.
Their private ftp seems to have disappeared as well as site admins contact info. I thing “going private” means “going away completely”.
Personally prefer sx-64, but breadbin is a close second.