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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Wow, that’s very rude how you came off and dismissive as well. I think you came into this just wanting to find something to argue about based on your tone here.

    To the point though. They do support the idea put forward that the person could have been pushed out. Now whether that be from jealousy, ego, office politics no one knows for certain except them. But it IS a common issue in the games industry and my entire point was that it’s not that outlandish to assume it as a possibility.

    The sources I provided paint a clear picture that over 50% of writers in the games industry are subject to or have seen work place Harrassment and bullying (that’s a shockingly high amount). Followed by an actual ex-bioware employee talking about how there was resentment towards the writers in the company.

    The final source involves an interview with another bioware employee that brings up how there is a ““black-ball style environment,” where dissenting viewpoints are reportedly squashed and punished.” and how people in higher positions of the company prioritize a certain agenda and make moves to dissuade dissenting opinions of those agendas.

    As well for that final source I have to say your reaction to it is childish and rude. How does it suck exactly? Please elaborate. You don’t get to just throw away a source I provide just cause you don’t like them. There were other games journalists sites covering that interview as well so if you don’t like that one then go find it on another site. If your issue is with the actual interview itself then articulate that and express why you dislike it.

    Finally the issue I take most with your comment is your final paragraph. What is up with that? You make it sound like you’re either in the industry or that your opinion is better than everyone else’s, it’s insufferable.

    You act like the idea of pushing someone out of a job in a creative industry is some fantasy land level plot. When in reality it is far too common in most creative driven industries and even in non-creative driven ones. It’s a common enough practice to be given a euphemism that we understand and know to be a potential part of office politics.

    As well from sources provided, we can see that to not consider it is to skip over a logical through line where we even see this has happened previously in this same studio from a current and ex-employee where they outline the hallmarks of such type of treatment in an industry known for having high levels of co-worker Harrassment and work place bullying.

    Explain your reasonings and back up your claims. So far the only thing you’ve provided in terms of a dissenting view point is the equivalent of “nuh-uh you’re stupid for thinking that” whilst you then philosophically wax with some weirdly placed smuggness over how much better you think you are than the common person. It reads like a mid-2000’s cringe r/atheist reddit comment

  • I recently got hit with the seasonal flu like a month ago that was going around and stubbornly didn’t go to a doctor. Ended up with a fever of ~105 on average and peaked at like 106 while still having chills as well.

    There was a period of 3 days where it was the worst and I have no idea what happened during that time except scant bits of random memories of drinking water and passing out on the couch covered in blankets. The fever dreams you mentioned is definitely on point to what I experienced as well. Was never sure if I was really awake or dreaming with my eyes closed. Which like… I’m not sure how to phrase that in a way that makes sense or differentiate from regular dreaming cause reading it right now just sounds dumb

    Time made no sense during that whole period and still doesn’t. It’s like my body, even two weeks later, still hasn’t registered that I existed for those days. Very surreal in a bad way, do not recommend

  • Not the guy you replied too, and my memory is also fuzzy, but I always love how crazy and analog nes hardware was. Im like 70% sure that later in the nes lifespan they made it to where cartridges had more rom and could shuffle the data banks/tables around and that the nes could only process something like 32kb at a time I think? So they would just swap around the data sets depending on when they where needed.

    Almost like one of those choose your own adventure books… Im probably horribly wrong in that summary and analogy though. It’s been years since I last got a refresher on nes tricks lol

  • I cant tell if people in this thread are trolls, ultra elite linux shills, or just people incapable of following simple instructions…

    Like I get it, windows bad or w/e… But to act like it takes longer than an hour or two to install it, let alone 2 whole fucking days is just asinine.

    Imagine having enough of a skill issue that it takes you 2 days to install Windows OS. The OS that idiot proofs itself by literally holding your hand on every option and walks you through itself to install.

    Im not even joking, I re-install and have installed windows the past few years multiple times on personal devices for myself and my family and friends and even do it for professional devices and servers for my job. It is brain dead easy, enough that my tech illiterate grandparents managed to re-install it before I could make the drive to meet them and do it for them… I can’t take this OP or anyone else seriously if they can manage to install a linux based OS but somehow have 2 days worth of trouble with Windows OS…