Well i guess it is a good lesson to pick a passwort you either remember or have in a password manager. Also make backups.
Well i guess it is a good lesson to pick a passwort you either remember or have in a password manager. Also make backups.
Time to start you collection anew.
Nice. Proud of you, keep it up.
Yeah thats why you make sure to NOT talk about your feelings like this “concerned” person. If you have problems in a relationship, it is important to talk to anyone but your partner. Best thing to do is, get some advice from complete strangers who do not know you or your partner and have very limited and skewed information. This way you will surely get the right answers! /s
Mushrooms are awesome and delicious. Foraging them is awesome too if you know your shit. Which i do not, so i buy mushrooms.
It is fun how you just know that every downvote or negative comment just bolsters op’s ego because to them it shows how the masses are stupid and they are one of the few who know how things should be. Replacing “democracy” with “science” makes no god damn sense because science is not a form o government. How hard would it have been to elaborate how you imagine your “scientific” goverment to work? I guess you would atleast have basic knowledge about politics. So what we got was the question of a 6 year old. How do you expect insightful comments?
Yeah i have heard about crypto being used to get cheaper medication, but i had forgotten, so thanks for taking your time and sharing this example.
I wish you the best health possible, better and cheaper medications and people that make your life better
I think this is actually a very good example, thank you.
People from europe sometimes come a long as assholes (“wE aRe NoT iN tHe ShItTy UsA”) while ignoring that political stability is not guaranteed. Neither is democracy. Sitting here germany i look very nervously at the many countries shifting to the right and getting more authoritarian.
I pray to all gods that the times we live in wont be very interesting for historians to come…
This thread is a dumpster fire. Can someone explain to me why i should be concerned about the tracking of payments that as an average person will not happen outside of buying huge stuff like a car? While no one is forced to answer me i would like you to refrain from vague statements like “this is attacking your privacy”, because i am interested in how. If you think its obvious feel free to ignore.
I think the biggest point that i could see being a problem is the crypto stuff because i once made a anonymous donation via monero (that because i was concerned but the target needed privacy). It was about 30€ or something. Would that be illegal under the new guidelines? And if so, why would i care, since it is supposed to be anonymous.
This is what a lot of power does to humans, it corrupts, makes one view those with less power as less of a human being. There shouldnt be any absurdly powerful people.
I mean i am sure that rich people get away with lots of stuff that normal people wont. But this whole “pedophile elite” thing smells very similar to the “elite jews control everything” and is simplistic bs at best. I am not even sure what people are on about. I would be happy if we finally fought for more equality and better distrubution of wealth but that seems “too simple” to most or something.
“What about the people on epsteins list” is gotta be the most generic strawman.
True. Real world relationships however are hard to obtain and hard to maintain. So many people, especially those that are deemed “not normal”, due to looks or behavior, are giving up on that and instead give in to these easy surrogates. It is sad, but not like society presents any solutions.
Pretty much sums up how i feel right now
I do not have this weakness. My computer is somewhat of a waifu already and once we have sex robots i want them to answer my request with “Yes daddy” and “I would love to, daddy”. Cringe all you want, the future is ours.
People should not be ostracized or even punished for liking fictional stuff. Yes, i am talking about Lolicon/Shotacon.
Funny joke bit pls dont. The seas are overfished as fuck.