I’ll be the one: use rtorrent
I’ll be the one: use rtorrent
Well. I have used https://github.com/Catfriend1/syncthing-android for ages… Guess that will continue?
Markor is absolutely amazing. Pair it with syncthing.
Find it will mentained on play, froid and github https://github.com/gsantner/markor
Last i looked into it, joplin had a bug which ment syncthing didnt work . Can’t remember the details but the solution was pinning an old version.
I am much much happier with markor notes + syncthing.
Super sinple, 100 % foss, sync what you want .
Thx. Interesting. But a bit to expensive.
Is there really no watch i can just connect to my pc and transfer data?
On android opentracks, fitotracks etc are great applications.
I consider myself long time noob ;)
Fedora for me because it’s rock solid, has cutting edge software, excellent documentation.
I,ve been updating the same installation more than 15 times i think.
Against: selinux is often overlooked when following guides written for Debian / ubuntu. So sometimes you pull out your hair.
On the other hand. Podman is supposedly the new favorite kid on the block. Fedora is on the front here
If I remember correctly, I chose ravio over freeotp because the later lacked:
Jokes on me.
I am on Fedora. Beware fedora has SElinux enabled. That can cause you issues if you follow a guide written for Ubuntu.
Cool. Thx. No option for EU.
How do you do that? Monero is one of few coins that interested me back in the day, so I am not a hater at all. But adoptation is very much lacking, and i I have no idea how you but groceries with xmr.
Syncthing can backup your photos on Android.
I am not sure this script will help. But I actually have a lot of cue/bin files from back when I ripped my cd collection. If I remember correctly, I played them through mediamonkey (ape files) or foobar. Windows user then… Most CD’s are either lost or in the back of the attic somewhere. I consider the files dead, but havent deleted them yet. I use plex which can’t play cue/bin files. This script might make my old cd collection come alive again…
Thunderbird still uses mbox. Maildir is incomplete and experimental.
I really wish we could use maildir.
I’ve never really understood Usenet. As i understand it, usenetb is essentially centralized. Even though the experience might be better, i feel it is less safe? Also when taken into account there is payment and therefore zero anonymity…
I love that fmd can make your phone ring of you lose it. Who would have thought of that :)
How does this compare to borg ?
That’s what i do. Work perfectly
Iwantmyname.com ticked almost all boxes last i looked. Hasnt been mentioned yet. https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=false&query=iwantmyname.com&sort=byDate&type=comment