I delivered in Wisconsin during the winter. Walked up some dude’s unsalted, fully iced walkway and my feet went out from under me and the pizza bag went up in the air. By some miracle, I landed on my feet and the bag landed in my hands. Asshole didn’t tip. I hope all the cheese was stuck to the top of the box.
Ted Lasso rule: Be curious, not judgemental. I try to give people the chance to explain themselves. I assume good faith. Even if I’m pretty sure I’m right, I allow for the possibility that I’m not or that I’m missing some relevant information.
I was just reading about surgery in the 1800s.
The unpalatable truth was that without the body snatchers and the thousands of corpses they had procured for anatomists during previous decades, Edinburgh would not have established its enviable global reputation for trailblazing surgery.
Modern medicine owes a lot to those “resurrectionists.”
Nature is amazing.
Final level in Bubsy.
We love Wingspan. Meadow is pleasant.
Just One was a great game for 4 people. Three people have to get the fourth person to guess a particular word. They each write down a one-word hint. If any two (or more) players write the same word hint, they don’t get to show that word to the guesser. It’s a lot of fun when you see the different ways people interpret words to come up with hints and how two (or more) words can work together to make you think of the answer.
I never lick the spoon. Weed tastes gross, and I need the baked good to cover the flavor.
If you’re not good at the thing others expect you to do, you may be good at something else.
Now we’re at least 10% plastic, so that drove the other numbers down.
I’ve always been enthusiastic to do it for my man’s pleasure, but never enjoyed the act for it’s own sake. Also cum is like raw egg white and it really takes me out of an erotic story when the female characters are obsessed with consuming it. But to each, her own.
I get mad. I have a severe case of resting bitch face and people like to insist that I must be upset or angry or having a terrible time. It’s OK to ask once, but if I tell you I’m great, I need you to accept that I’m a grown ass person who knows how I feel and will communicate if there’s a problem.
Is there a third category for immediately rewatching the movie?
I can’t even get comfortable in my own house. My legs are sweating and my feet are ice blocks.
!52weeksofart@lemmy.world. Because it just started and needs contributing artists.
The state Republican Party distanced itself from Looper.
Would never happen today.
And calzones are just pizza that’s harder to eat.
The shitposters did it all in one night.
These are just facts he was told about his Outie.