Horrendous take lmao
Horrendous take lmao
I think it’s useful if it’s a feature you can choose to activate or deactivate yourself on specific groups of communities, but it sounds awful if the decision is made for you.
And then in a few years, after making no efforts to create a space where homeless people can live the way they want or a path for them to get a job and a home, the enforcement of these laws will loosen up and you’ll be back to stepping over people on the sidewalk.
I’m not really in those circles but I feel like the timeline is wrong here. I don’t think young men see these figures, then venture out parroting them and crash their metaphorical bicycle. I think the bicycle crash is what makes them seek out that content. Maybe that’s how it’s working with very young men who are just now starting to talk to girls, idk.
The problem from where I stand is that conventional advice on how to get attention from women doesn’t work like it used to. Young men are entering the world and finding that they’re just not as attractive as their mothers have been telling them their whole life, and setting yourself up to have a decent income isn’t the selling point that the older generation told us it was.
So you either focus on other areas of your life and maybe you happen into some kind of relationship, or you look to adapt to this world of dating apps and hook-ups and you probably end up unsatisfied for a number of reasons, and that’s when someone turns to the manosphere.
I am abroad and have lots of friends that won’t download WhatsApp, so I use Instagram to contact them. Also, a couple of family friends have reached out to me with news or something. It does have a niche for me as a messaging app like Facebook, even if the only reason I use it is simply because other people won’t not use it.
How does my default phone app on Android threaten my security? Does this app use data for calls or cell connection?
Giving up your right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is like giving up your freedom of speech because you have nothing to say.
It does look miserable but if the bus stop was before the landing then would it not prevent cars trying to take the turn before the island?