Oh man I bet he soooooo sick today
Oh man I bet he soooooo sick today
Join us brother in our defense of Managed Democracy!!!
He’s so damn HEALTHY!!!
Ah right cuz he’s an imposter
Not to mention all four of these guys are pretty lonely. Except Big Boss, he kidnaps new friends when the old ones run out
I mean AH clearly love this game as much as we do and want it to be a good time for us all, I think they just get that sort of standoffish fatigue when folks constantly bitch and moan about bigs everyone found a week before
As if spaghetti code can be straightened over night
We kinda accidentally figured out how to survive tho. Since it’s a 380 surrounding the player. Of the team stays together/heavy armour/don’t move around too much (Ragdolls happen) you should be able to just walk right through it
I see you’ve sat in on my games before
Maiming is just healing in reverse
I feel this man, I even play with a guy who rushes into the front whilst the teams defending a point and gets mad that he gets hit while in the line of fire. It irritates the crap oudda me.
But at the same time, getting constantly killed by folks who “never” check their fire can be a pain, but the simplest solution is, break off or change your play style when their around
Every day in the fight is as good a day as any to fight for democracy
I don’t mind having a gun like this for challenge runs. It’s basically just shitty enough that I can play extreme with a senator and a rail gun and still be effective
This is excellent lol and that goddamn ending
As a Hell Commander I welcome you to the fight Space Chief. I’m a Redeemer man myself, at first for aesthetics and now cuz it’s actually worth a damn but a charged shot really sells a sidearm
I knew they’d drop one for Liberty Day so I held onto my credits through the past two warbonds. Super glad I did, this one looks perfect
Thanks to the failure of Y2K we planned to move into the future big spotlights and chrome…but Facebook was more addictive
Bruh I’m so Reggie for this. I love this whole quality over quantity thing they got going now