if i elect an average right wing conservative (which is redundant) and they go on to do bad things, which is practically guaranteed, I would not feel better.
if i elect an average right wing conservative (which is redundant) and they go on to do bad things, which is practically guaranteed, I would not feel better.
but what happens if you vote for someone and they end up winning?
oh shit. super bad guy. glad i never installed a fucking client. fuck everything about this.
i don’t trust it because it is very big on the design meaning to be “censorship resistant” and there are certain kinds of posts that people make that probably should be censored, and while i like that some tools exist to make pseudononymous, censorship-resistant communications possible (tor and i2p are good. freenet is fine imho), this one looks like a grift that has a neon sign saying “censorship resistant”… and i am sure that associating with those people will lead to encountering some of that material that probably should be censored.
i’m open to the possibility that you’re right, but my experience is that criticism of the cia or zionism is tolerated to a much greater degree on .world than criticism of china or soviet russia is tolerated on .ml.
can you point to specific instance-wide bannings for talking shit on us foreign policy or zionism?
most of the things i want to send around my network in archives are already compressed binary files, so i just tar everything.
you can’t prove this.
the green candidate speaks out against russia. they’re not a puppet.
being wrong doesn’t make you a fascist. siding with fascist does though.
i never said everyone is fascist.
one of us is dodging facts, but its not me: i know what words mean.
there are also words for governments that no loger exist. perhaps if you could stop appealing to ridicule you could see this plainly.
we are all human but we still have a word for it. you don’t seem to have a good grap of the concept of language.
Interesting you ignored the question of how that word could have meaning if it describes all countries
if all countries implemented direct democracy, does direct democracy lose its meaning?
If you’re willing to pretend different things are the same,
this is so vague it probably doesn’t even mean anything.
god i hope this means you found the block button
if you’re willing to vote for joe biden, knowing his policies up to this point, then you are willing to vote for fascism.
a modern nation state with a mechanized military is absolutely indistinguishable from fascism.
they will do whatever it takes to maintain the power of the state to field that military, so they will do whatever it takes to maintain the power of the state. everything else, the trappings of law and order, the facade of democratic control, the illusion of economic freedom, they will only exist so far as they are necessary to maintain state power.
under pax americana, our mutual defense treaties have relieved many states of the necessity of fielding their own military to the extent necessary to defend their state, but the mutual defense treaties make them absolutely complicit in the fascism of the states capable of defending them. in particular, the usa, but any other military power as well.
opposing the creep of outspoken politically fascist movements to seize the reigns of these technocratically fascist states is secondary, in my consideration, to the dismantling of the technocratic fascist states.
it seems that you are content to tolerate the fascist state so long as someone you can’t identify as politically fascist controls it. i am not.
the problem is strategic voting in a fptp system. if voters would vote their values (assuming their values are anti-genocide), then it wouldn’t matter.