Mmhhmm, factorio team is top tier. Excited to see what they make next.
Mmhhmm, factorio team is top tier. Excited to see what they make next.
This guy gets it, just download the mod server before everything goes offline.
Haha, nice. If it brings joy to someone I consider that a win :)
Oo, it’s a tree stand, for holding a tree up. Toke me a minute there.
And the worst part is, they are sneaky…
Probably not, but it’s a meme, don’t need to be scientifically accurate imo.
Considering you enjoyed these games, take a peak at factorio. It’s good stuff.
Factorio: 5,000
10/10 best game on steam by far.
Doesn’t really matter for 90% of cases, best bet is to go for what feels good for you. Each distro is similar to each version of windows, they are a little different from one version to the next, but for the most part it just changes how you interact with it.
O! The pain! Cractorio for life!
Factorio 5k+ atm
Unless we count pokemon, played that to death when I was younger, would be willing to say I have “young person time” amount of hours in the Gameboy versions.
And then after you get wore out on factorio, you can try factorio mods. Between the two it should hold you over for forever.